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~ A. K. A. ~



EPHESIANS 6:10 Finally,my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. V:11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. I TIMOTHY 4:1 Now the spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.

What Babylon was like 4,000 years ago we will have in microcosm what the New World religion will be like just before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Nimrod was regarded as a divine being, a god-man. He synthesized a vast political and religious system into one. In Genesis, chapter 11 it is vividly described. The cry on the plain of Shinar at the Tower of Babel was " WE WILL BE AS ONE. " Nimrod built the city of Babylon, which was beautiful, on the plain of shinar on the banks of the Euphrates River. He became the world's first super dictator and led a great rebellion against the God of Heaven. His wife was one of the most beautiful women in the world, her name was Semiramis. She was licentious and sensual. Citizens of ancient Babylon rejected the Creator and embraced the lie of humanism - " THE DE-THRONING OF GOD AND THE DEIFYING OF MAN. " Astrology and Sun worship along with the Moon and the Stars and began to worship the earth as their Mother Goddess, believing she was a living, breathing being. And through reincarnation they would never die. The clock is fast moving to-wards what will surface in the last days just before Jesus Christ returns, the religion of ancient Babylon will be the proto-type for all man kind in the end time. To-day, 4,000 years later, as we approach another millennium, the political leaders of earth are calling for all nations to surrender their sovereignty and form the New World Order - " One planet,one people. " Also the religious leaders are calling for all religions of the earth to surrender a measure of doctrine ( to compromise ) and form a universal One-World church. Without Jesus Christ we would be reduced to the one common denominator:The system will have single currency, single centrally financed government, single tax system, single language, single political system, single world court system, single head( ONE INDIVIDUAL LEADER, ) single state religion. Every person will have a micro-chip in their bodys which register a number, without which they will not be able to buy or sell. Those who do not accept this universal system will not be able to exist.Micro-technology - could this be the forerunner of the Mark of the Beast ?

Prophecy in the News, November 1990, page 4:The competive market has already begun. Several companys in the field of implantation of electronic indentification transponders in animals. When electronically interrogated they broadcast a specific number. Using a hypodermic needle the unit is placed just beneth the skin of a animal.( Animals now, Humans next ) Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: V:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Mark 13:20 And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect's sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days. Current state-of-the-art biochip transponders are encased in tiny glass tubes about the size of a grain of rice. The Avid Company in Norco, Ca. has developed this system.

Are human chip implants the wave of the future ?

The implant tube contains an electric coil and several silicon chips.

Jan. 14, 1999 - Last August, Professor Kevin Warwick, director of cybernetics at the University of Reading in the U.K., had a small glass-encapsulated device implanted in his left arm. It contained a coil and several microchips which were able to identify him to a variety of computers in the school building. As he would walk into a room it would greet him, tell him if he had Email, and other tasks. He had it removed after nine days.

While the microchip,with the number of the Beast, 666 is a possibility, we as believers in Jesus Christ will escape; unless we turn away from the truth of the Word of God. The true seal of God is revealed in His Holy Word, the Bible. II Timothy 2:19 Neverless, the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His.

AND NOW THE GOOD NEWS,Jesus Christ, has predetermined the exact time frame that the adversary the devil will be allowed to apply his mark and control - 1,260 days, 31/2 years - a time times and dividing of time. But " PRAISE GOD, "the risen Saviour Jesus Christ shall return in power and great glory and,.....shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: II Thessalonians 2:8



Although the wordREVIVAL is a time honored and almost sacred word, I do not use it in this connection. Because when you mention revival it calls up a picture which fits each Church's understanding of their meaning of revival, not God's. This will block your thinking and you will not be able to comprehend the full import of this prediction. So first, I would ask you to check any pre-conceived ideas concerning the word revival when used in connection with any great religious movement, and think in terms of Restoration. We often wonder " WHY, " that after every revival meeting is over everybody goes back to the same old ways. When there is a complete understanding of the principles by which Jesus Christ worked and the true meaning of His teaching, then will a restoration begin and the principles that have been obscured by 2,000 years of Spiritual confusion, religious mis-understanding and so-called historical theology, that has made it almost impossible to tell where the teachings of Christ end and the ideas and traditions of men begin. In this prediction I must speak very plainly. There is no time to be mis-understood. So when I say something that cuts across your traditional concepts, please keep your mind open, that I might be able to share what God has put in my heart, to share with the world. Remember that God still calls those who fear no man, to speak for Him in these last days.
The first statement is this: Since 1946 I have been serving God. My service has not been perfect. How ever even in the inperfect times I can testify that, my love for Jesus has never been without sincerity of purpose along with a faithful belief in all my actions as a servant. So in these 53 years of giving my rather imperfect service to God, I believe that I have learned a few things. The most disturbing things as a Pastor is this: I can not find one church, or religious fellowship, or denomination on the face of this earth that is, or wants a Pastor to teach, preach the pure, simple, un-complicated teachings of Jesus Christ, or allow doing the work Jesus said His church would do. There are scores of creeds, denominations by the hundreds. There are quiet churchs, noisy churchs, churchs in order, and churchs out of order. Churchs that follow: " Thus sayeth the board " instead of " Thus sayeth the Lord. " There must be a return to the old-time religion, teaching and practices of Jesus Christ ! There is a religious concept and theology to-day that is neither liberal or conservative, but how sickening it is to see this tug-of-war going on between these factions. There are many professed Christians who are straight as a gun barrel on their doctrine - -AND JUST AS EMPTY !This is why I say,There must be a Restoration of the teachings, power and the true principles of Jesus Christ The kind of Restoration that I am predicting is one that will bring consciousness of the mind of Christ into the minds of those who are truly His desciples. The Apostle Paul exorts us," And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing ( restoration )of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." ROMANS 12:2

ROMANS 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

This truth was revealed to me back in 1983 when the Holy Spirit took me in the Spirit to the Holy Land. The place where Jesus preached, comforted the sad and sorrowing, lifted the poor in spirit, healed the sick and worked great miracles that characterized His ministry. I saw for the first time the difference between what He did and taught and what was being taught and done in so-called evangelistic circles of our day. He walked over those hills and valleys, ministered to the multitudes, brought wholeness to all who came to Him. No fancy music, drum beating or ballyhoo. Jesus never preached a sermon on divine healing in His entire ministry. He just healed the sick and afflicted. He didn't really " preach " prosperity. He just fed the hungry, fainting multitudes. He didn't preach laborous and complicated " plans " of Salvation. He just saved those who were lost.WHAT A REVELATION !What a difference ! What a far cry from the ministry of conventional ministers and evangelist of to-day. I wondered if after the Holy Spirit brought me back to this old world of the flesh, could there be born in my heart a great desire to see the ministry of Jesus repeated. There was no egocentric desire to see it repeated in me, only to see it brought back to relieve the sufferings, woes, heartaches and sins of the multiplied millions of people in this world.

AND WE SHALL SEE IT ! Look at your Bible: EPHESIANS 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exeeding abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. Friend,get that ! God works according to the power that works in you and me.( The Holy Spirit ) The truth is overwelming. But it is there. How long will we fumble the simplicity of the Christian life and Christian works and go on beating drums and staging fleshly manifestations to glorify phrases, creeds and dogmas, which do absolutely nothing for God's people or for the lost world ? I feel in my spirit that there is coming a genuine Heaven-sent power to the church where Jesus Christ is inside in full power and control of all activitys, and not knocking at the church door waiting for the body to let Him in. That will take Restoration, because it is not like it used to be, most services entertain instead of working to save souls for the Kingdom of God. The Bible sez: ZECHARIAH 4:6 ..........,Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of host.

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