~ We are often blessed with the friendship of personal angels ..... people who are so caring and supportive that they become angels to us. These personal angels bring the lamp of brightness and love to us each day, that we will cherish forever. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Parent
~ Our first image of an angel may well have been Mom or Dad ..... the one who came to our rescue and reassured us in the dark of the night. For the child in all of us, a parent is the angel we seek to guide and protect us and uplift our spirits when the going gets tough. Parents need not be angelic or saintly to fulfill this roll! All that is needed is unconditional love, a willingness to listen, and a smile or hug, when we need encouragement. This is how we learn to be angels for our own children as well. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Teacher
~ For many of us, our earliest memories of an angel relate to a favorite teacher. A teacher's role is to inspire us to investigate, delve, discover, invent, and understand far beyond our own belief in our abilities. A teacher who uncovered our personal gift or spark will remain for us the angel who created a turning point in our life, or the one who first let us know how special we were. Inspired by this personal angel, we can keep alive the curious child within us and continue to uncover our hidden treasure of talent or self esteem. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Favorite Relative
~ Sometimes we need a special friend to confide in, an older friend who is wise and knowing and patient to the ninth degree. This friend is often an aunt, uncle, grandparent, cousin, or even a brother or sister. These personal angels fill a place that our parents cannot. They do not act as stern taskmasters or disciplinarians. They can be confidants and playmates, no matter how different their ages. What an honor it is to be an angel in this way, to fill a role that no one else can! ~
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An Angel Is.....A Neighbor
~ There are times in life when we feel frightened or alone, when we seem to have no one with whom to talk or share our troubles. At these times, an angel often steps in, who lives right next door, or just down the block. This angel is a neighbor who stays with us, brings a meal, cares for our children, or does any of a thousand small things that mean so much. Imagine what a wonderful neighborhood the world would be if we all decided to become angels for one another! ~
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An Angel Is.....A Teammate
~ Personal angels are often those who urge us to pull from our deepest selves the strength or precision that will win the day. These angels are frequently peers, compatriots, or schoolmates, who think of us as members of their team. Whether as part of a sports team or a team in business, these angels place their faith and confidence in us ..... even when they have, at times, no logical reason to trust us so
highly. To these angels, we are forever indebted, because their faith is what enables us to rise to the challenge and become the winners we desire to be. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Pastor, Rabbi, or a Priest
~ Anyone who teaches us about the greatest mysteries of life can be an angel for us. These ministering angels reach deep into our souls to instill in us a desire to learn who and what we are. They bring us the understanding and wisdom we need to build a solid firm foundation of faith in our lives. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Healer
~ The heart of a healer is a generous heart indeed. The heart of a healer is the heart of an angel, that seems to be able to mend your broken heart, and who stays by you as long as you need, no matter what the personal cost. These angels are on duty day and night, bold and sacrificing souls who dedicate their lives to the health and well-being of others. They bless our hospitals, the healers within, and the sick who have come for relief, with their un-yielding love, dedication, and energy. ~
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An Angel Is ..... Someone Who Makes Us Laugh
~ In the midst of everyday life, when responsibilities grow heavy and time seems too short, someone with a sense of humor can bring a breath of fresh air. This angel helps us see the funny side of an event or remark, which helps us to avoid wounded feelings and lightens our approach to a given situation. A friend who helps us let go of our daily cares is an angel indeed and one who brings us a blessing when it is most sorely needed. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Protector
~ Those who offer their lives to protect others are surely angels in the flesh. Whether a soldier, police officer, fire fighter, or any other type of warrior, an angel of protection is one who is ready to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good and safety of others. These angels earn our respect and deepest thanks everyday. When they face danger for our sakes, we can pray for their protection and strength and ask that their own guardian angels bring them home safely. ~
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An Angel Is.....A Computer Friend
There's an angel in my inbox
And she came here
from a friend
Who typed in
my e-mail address
clicked on the button " Send "
There's an angel in your inbox
And you got her straight from me ;
I knew when I finished reading this,
It was something you should
This little angel in your inbox
contain a nice surprise ;
For when you send her on to friends,
Her message multiplies.
She brings you a note of
Happiness, health and song ;
And the nicest
thing you can do
Today is
to forward her along.
By simply sending her on
Can make you happy as can be ;
She should
be sent to everyone
Her message is for all to see.
Please send this little angel on ,
And you have a great day, too ;
Just smile and be happy because
angel was sent to you !
~ Author Unknown ~
~ Whether they lead or teach us formally ( in a place of worship or education ) or through laughter, song, and play, the guidance of these angels, makes a great difference, that will last us a lifetime. ~