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~ Now Playing " Blessed Assurance " ~



Is Like a Hammer,
Always pounding away at its victim !

I would like to say first of all, that it is joy unspeakable and full of glory to be a Christian, the most exalted privilege known to man-kind. To have and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, Lord and Master, and to strive sincerely and devotedly to follow in the way of life that Jesus taught through His word. It is certainly and by far the most reasonable and most satisfactory way of life to live in this troubled world of to-day. It means Peace of Mind, Joy, Contentment of Heart, Total Forgiveness, Happiness, Hope, Life more Abundant and Eternal. I consider myself to be of the average intelligence and yet early in my life I made some very wrong and foolish choices, but " thank's be to Jesus, " through the Holy Spirit's prompting, my life was turned around. Many times as I look back on this it is hard for me to understand the youth of to-day, while it is true that there are more wordly situtations available, the same Holy Spirit is still at work revealing Jesus as a Savior to each and every person. How anyone would be so blind or ignorant of this fact, and that they would go through life and face death without knowing Jesus as their personal Savior. Let me make one thing very clear, when I was lost and unsaved, I was very lost and unsaved, but now that I am found and saved, I am very proud to be a " Born Again Christian. " With the love of Jesus deep within my heart. While I am not a fatalist, I do not believe as one old time preacher said: " What is to be will be, even if it never happens. " But the Jesus I know, is in complete control and knows the end from the beginning and He also knows the inevitable results of that course. Now, His foreknowledge of events and their consequences makes the end certain, but it does not make it necessary. There is in life, many sucess story's along with more failures than we would like to consider. The greatest thing that I can see is that Jesus has a time and place for each person and when that time comes, it will be so clear as to how and what he wants you to do, that every thing will fall into His divine plan and direction. I will admit that there were times when I thought that I knew the instructions and directions, yet I acted on my own, and everything failed. I think about this every day now, " Is this Jesus's way or mine ? " I was very short on patience and also taking directions other than my own. Jesus, on the other hand, knew that I would do the right thing and so with each mistake and failure, He would again lift me up and plant my feet on solid ground. Yes, sad but true even I lost count of the failures and begin to rejoice in the victory's and soon the tables was turned and I now know that while I could still fail, I have that Blessed Assurance that Jesus is mine and everything is working out, it just takes a little time and trust.
Since 1945, I have been serving Jesus, my service has not been perfect, however even in the in-perfect times I can testify that my love of Jesus has never been without sincerity of purpose. And in these 62 years of giving my in-perfect service to Jesus, I believe that I may have come to understand a few things and this is occuring more and more as I mature in Jesus. While the call of God is a very important part of my life, I also know that the human aspects are real to, therefore I started early on in my ministry to develop a independant position. Since Jesus made it so plain that He called me and not man, I then have to do and say that which He has directed, and through the Holy Ghost, thus I can not allow my thoughts nor direction to be controlled by individuals or my own. I alway have stood on this scripture: I TIMOTHY 1:12 " And I thank Christ Jesus, our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry. "
It it has been over the period of years as a minister, my deepest belief that we as a people are and have been witnessing a re-newed and intensified move of the Holy Spirit that is enlarging our limited mental concepts and challenging our traditional ways of doing things, how ever many folks to-day are still " mind set " and will not and do not want spiritual progress. Yet through all of this, Jesus has folks with openess of heart and mind along with the Holy Ghost's leading, and they will be in the main-stream of what Jesus is doing in this end time and will be part of it.
All through time it has been this way ! My firm belief is that: " Every believer, regardless of church or fellowship guide lines, should be walking and progressing in the direct control of the Spirit of the Living God, and no one has the right to violate that believers direction and access to Jesus. " Yet I also see that maximum effectiveness can only be accomplished as each of us flow with God's Spirit and according to his will and way. I am reminded that it is significent to notice that in every revival since the Reformation, there has been a great emphasis on restoring the church to the New Testament pattern, " The Bible Way ! " Therefore we cannot make the Holy Ghost our substitute for the necessary reading of the scriptures but our help-mate. Do I as the years go by think that I or anyone else has the answer to the world's situation ? No, man does not have the answers, only Jesus, and unless we are willing to follow Him in everything we do or say, there is no hope for the future.
Thank you for reading my testimony and please remember me in your prayers, God Bless you all.
Pastor Bill

ISAIAH 64:8 But now,O LORD, thou are our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.

JEREMIAH 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to make it.

ROMANS 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour ?


Thank You, Pastor Bill

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