Next thing I know I'm being woken up at 5:30 in the morning by Lindsay's mom! I jumped up got ready..did my make-up my hair...and everything only to see Lindsay still sleeping on the floor when I came back in!!! I screamed for her to get up. She finally got up and got ready. We packed the car and Lindsay and I found ourselves with so much stuff to occupy ourselves with we had to sqeeze in the back together! We turned on 106.1 KISS FM (they sponsered a Hanson conert..and I'll have my review of that up soon)Anywayz, the DJ said,"If u have any HANSON fans in u're household...WAKE 'EM UP...we're going to replay that magical day when Hanson performed here in Dallas!" I was so happy, becuz I couldn't here at the concert and so I missed what they said! I heard some things though! So after we listened we were VERY bored! I'll spare u guyz the trip..itz actually very BORING! The only fun parts were when we got in Oklahoma and everyone stared at our Hanson shirts like we were aliens! So we finally arrive in....NOT Tulsa..but we arrive in Jenks! Supposedly where Tay was born. Lindsay was FREAKING OUT..while I was in the back of the car by myself staring out the window...actually i was VERY CALM..suprisingly! I think I was just way tired. We finaly get to Tulsa...and since we only knew Hanson's street name we didn't know where to go....I only knew one thing,"ITZ ON THE WEST SIDE OF TULSA" So we ended up..not even knowing it..but we passed right by Hanson's Street when we got their! So we went ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL over Tulsa asking peeps if they knew! WE got comments on our was really funny! We went to the Blue Rose Cafe....obviuosly we couldn't go we stood outside on the deck and took some pix. Then we went on a hunt for Laser such luck though...I didn't care though I play it a lot anywayz...Lindsay hadn't though. So we went on our 3 hour hunt for Hanson's house. We stop at another gas station. We walked in and their were 2 mom's asking "Do u know where Hanson lives?" And so we ran over. It was an old lady and she looked at all of us like we were insane....then she goes,"Who???" And Lindsay's mom goes,"U know...3 brothers...long...blond hair..."then her mom broke out into the chorus of MMMBop! *embarresing* And then lady finally goes,"Oh yes...the Hanson Brothers you mean!" Lindsay and I laughed....we knew thatz what they used to be called...obviously this lady was not up to date on anything...except that she knew....THAT HER DAUGHTER LIVED NEXT TO HANSON!!!! So we were like SO happy! She gave us directions and Lindsay's mom had to go the bathroom, so Lindsay just looked around the store. And the lady goes,"What r u planning on doing when u get their? Get an autograph?" "No we just wanted to do something over Christmas break and so we decided to go to their house...,"Lindsay said. And now I had regained all my energy and I was at the back of the store and I just screamed,"NO...WE'RE OBSESSED WITH THEM.....NO! I'm juwst kidding!" Everyone in the store laughed at me...I don't care though..I luv acting stupid and wacky and getting laughed at!!!*hehe* So we were finally on the road again!
Lindsay and I were praying this lady knew what she was talking about...infact we were ....NERVOUS..which is way unlike moi!:) Lindsay's mom said,"If this isn't it we're gonna have to head on home!" So that made even more up tight! I mean we went and did all this stuff and we might have to go all the way home with NOTHING! We turned SEVERAL coreners. Passed a golf course...and it got much prettier..their were more trees and a lot more open land! We saw the street name and turned the corner...we looked at our right and said,"No..."And then we looked to ur left at the second house...we screamed and FREAKED OUT!!! Hanson's van was pulling out right infront of us!!!!!!! We saw Walker and waved! Then I started screaming to "FOLLOW THE VAN" but I quit...becuz I didn't want to end up following the van ect, ect. So then we see Avery and Mackenzie. So we pull up and we were like the only pplz that would go over and actually talk to the baby-sitter who was outside with them. Lindsay's mom started talking to her. So Lindsay and I rolled down the window and started talking to Mac!*hehehehehehehe* He's SO FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We rolled it down and I go," Hey Mackenzie!" And Lindsay was just like,"HI!" He had a remote control car and was messin' around with it...then he looked at us. He almost gave us this evil grin it was like....and then he goes,"We don't wike da fans!" And everyone started laughing! I felt bad now!!!! Then he goes," bruders wike da fans!" He was so cute! Then he started getting really wacko! And s=doing all this stuff with his arms and hands! He got the remote control car and started running it into the baby-sitter. And she finally picked it up! But it was still on! And he made the wheels start to spin and her shirt somehow got caught in it. Than was hilarious!!!! Then we looked over at Avery who was dancing around in the driveway. And so Lindsay thought it was Jessica. And I thought it was Avery. And so at the same time I go,"Avery!" And Lindsay goes,"JESSIA!" And she was like ignoring us...but I don't blame her. And I go"Itz Avery." And Lindsay goes,"No..itz Jessica!" So we ended calling her Avery and we're positive now itz Avery! We got pix of Mac and Avery! *cute* Then we went to Braums and begged Lindsay's mom to take us back. So she said "okay" And when we got their guess who was outside now!?!?!? IKE!!! He was just walking to the back of the house! We screamed and he just kinda glanced over and left. Then their friends went to the door and told u sto put our cameras away. So when someone finally opened the door 5 or 10 minutes l8er three peeps came to the door! Mac, the bab-sitter and a really tall person with blond hair who some girl said was Tay. After we got out of the car and went up and down the street and took pix we had to leave. It was an aesome day!!!! So much fun. But we were way tired! Taynx for reading....I'll be amazed it u're reading THIS right now..cuz this is so long and boring! K, this took place on January 2nd 1998!:) ~*HANSON ROX*~