Poems for The Lord -- Set Two

Poems for The Lord -- Set Two

All works protected under copyright. (Copyright © 1997 by Andrew D. Festa)

However, you may freely pass them along
to those who might have need!



I will eventually put each poem on its own page.
Passing on The Call
The ants
When push comes to shove
Our Redeemer
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit
Other Writing Links

Passing on The Call

5/20/97 (2:07pm)

Jesus is calling you home to where paradise is truly paradise and not the fabric of illusion born on the wings of an existence that by its very nature can not be held beyond the edge of touch... I can not take you there -- no hand hold, no strong push -- I'm not the one you need to take you home to paradise. Jesus Christ is calling you; He wants you to come home. The only thing that I can do is pass what I've been shown. Jesus is calling you home to where paradise is truly paradise and not the fabric of illusion born on the wings of an existence that by its very nature can not be held beyond the edge of touch... Andrew D. Festa
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"For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal Weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

For we know that if the earthly tent which is our house is torn down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens. For indeed in this house we groan, longing to be clothed with our dwelling from Heaven, inasmuch as we, having put it on, shall not be found naked." 2 Corinthians 5:1-3
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The ants

7/6/96 (Retitled March, 1997)

A cool breeze on a sun-heated day; yesterday, clouds dropped heavy tears; today...well, here it is; and tomorrow, an unseen unknown that may or may not arrive, or at its arrival may not find me. Earlier, ants roamed on missions and carried out assignments no matter the obstacles, but I sit here in a cool breeze carrying out no assignments, carrying no tasks to completion, yet I breathe another breath... and the breadth of me withers into nothing much. What have I done? Where have I gone? With whom have I spoken? Will my life have made the slightest difference? Andrew D. Festa
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The sleeper drifts between the voids as angers dance all aound -- echo the short fuse; echo the loss of gain; violence take to `rule'; The Lord takes no delight in our pain. Silent, the children turn away from The Father; The Lord stands near, as we approach the end, watching as souls fall away from Him. (And, He can do nothing but watch, for, in His Love, He gave us free will.) From Heavenward the call; from Heavenward the pains fall from the sad cheek of The Lord. God still offers Salvation. Jesus is the Way. God's Hope lies squarely on us all, to accept or reject. From Jesus comes the call: "Hear my Father's plea. Put the Bible, Prayer, Me, and God back into your lives!!" The sleepers must awaken. The sleepers in The Lord must arise and spread The Lord's most precious message. Andrew D. Festa
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2/19/96 (5:06am)

At time's end, Truth turns sickly pale in the eyes of the blind --- cold hands of disbelievers attempt to strangle Truth into silence --- at the all-age's final touch --- wars of the Spirit rip the fabric of reality; all people, pawns in what --- flesh has no say. No war of flesh, but Spirit. This is finality... --- Time to choose sides --- one, winner one, loser --- you cannot sideline sit --- There is no second chance... no "one more go `round" --- beyond time's touch: Heaven or Hell. --- remember... free will is ours.
Andrew D. Festa
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When push comes to shove

4/29/97 (10:18pm)

I want to stand at the edge of the great precipice wide eyed and willing to do whatever the moment demands in accordance with His Will. I want to carry my cross willingly and without complaint, more than prepared to place my life at the tender mercy of and in accordance with His Will. I want to proclaim boldly when told to be silent, stand on His Rock when sin begs my attention, rest in His Truth when told to renounce Him, turn from deception when asked to embrace it, rise to the pinnacle of Christ when asked to sink into the illusion of this world, stand on His Truth, rely on His Promise, rejoice in His Glory, give thanks for Salvation, and proclaim to the masses that Jesus...is... The Champion!! This reality disintegrates before our very eyes (assuming blindness does not grip our hearts to ignorance) as if a dream which turns to nightmare held us by the soul... Those who believe the Holy Truth of God The Father will one day awaken from this dream-illusion and enter His Holy Presence forever!! Those who do not believe will one day awaken from the dream and enter the eternal nightmare. At the end of our road, questions: What did you do with Jesus? What did you do with The Light? How strong was your Faith when push came to shove? Andrew D. Festa
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Our Redeemer

5/15/97 (8:25PM)---Lines 25-29 added 5/20/97 (3:39am)

Jesus is coming back real soon to give us to the mend; Every day, in every event, we come closer to the end. The Lord is our Redeemer who will cure the ills of all, if only we would shout out "YES!" in answer to His Call. Why do we struggle so to serve the one from whom all life has sprung? What can we hope to gain from this illusion's twisted, lying tongue? Why do we struggle so to serve Him who has graced us from the start? How can it be that we can't see He wants us to do our part? The Lord is our Redeemer who will cure the ills of all, if only we would shout out "YES!" in answer to His Call. The devil's in the details; the devil's doing wrong; the devil's in the details, singing a sinful song. What need have I of details which bring me to despair? The Lord will handle details with whispers in the air... and The Lord is always there!! The Lord is our Redeemer who will cure the ills of all, if only we would shout out "YES!" in answer to His Call. Andrew D. Festa
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5/14/97 (5:21am)

In a fragmentary sort of way I once stood twisted shards above the rest of every nothing. Now in a solid, concrete way I stand full and complete within the very rest of Jesus. Time does not grace me to a smile on its wreckless journey by, Space is not kind but holds me rigid as it breaks me to a cry. And matter holds me by the genes to a singularity. But God is Awesome in His Greatness as He calls me Home to rest where His Eternal Truth is always free. In a fragmentary sort of way I once stood twisted shards above the rest of every nothing. Now in a solid, concrete way I stand full and complete within the very rest of Jesus.
Andrew D. Festa
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The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit

(the three missing pennies)

5-22-97 (early a.m.)

Familiarity breeds a poisonous need for the cold edge of touch in the mist of this illusion, a fact not born from the verity of life itself but the value placed upon it. Life is not a whole in which we are parts and pieces, but is itself merely a part of that which is much greater than the farthest reach of touch. Why do we gather bits and pieces of that which time and space and matter offers to our greedy, eager grasp, and claim to know the sum of all based on some gathered parts? If, in searching, I stop with 7 pennies found, who am I to claim to know a dime? Andrew D. Festa
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