Special thanks to...
- Cathy Sutter-For trying to pick us up from the Nerinx Mixer, and for taking us to Taco Bell
- The Rauschers-for letting us practice so loud.
- The Hartwigs-for letting me stay at their house every weekend.
- Rosati Kain-for not kicking us off the stage.
- Maureen-for carting us around and putting up with our conversations.
- Annie Coleman-for carting us around and partying with us even though we were freshmen.
- Taco Bell
- Aaron Story-for giving me the number to the Hi Point.
- Stephanie-For having such great hair.
- All those at the Nerinx Battle of The Bands for voting for us and for moshing.
- Penningtons-For giving me a place to go besides home and for the nights of non-woman bashing fun (wink wink).
- Liz and Michelle Sasser-for giving the drummer rides home.
- Dale Thompson-for giving the drummer rides when Liz and Michelle didn't.
- Mike Hanson-For being so damn funny and for making fun of his trumpet player.
- Drummer From Superfly-for relieving my stress the night we played at Rosati ("Dude, can I borrow your rug man?").
- Ted Drews
- Julie at Phillips 66-Never once called the cops on us.
- The Kinetics-for letting us capitalize on their name for Nerinx battle.
- Anybody I forgot for doing something I can't remember.
- All the ladies-for being so beautiful.
Email: stixx@stlnet.com