Bios of Holt WarriorsHere ye c'n learn 'bout where the fearless beasts o' Holt Riverdance came from. To add yore own bio, E-mail it to me. Try t'keep it short, or else it won't get posted.Keyla Riverdance I don't know where I came from, or who me parents are. I've wandered the River Moss since I was very young, an' I know most of the streams an' tributaries almost as well as a Guosim shrew. I came across a hare patrol one day, an' traveled with them. The hares taught me t'forage for food, treat wounds, track vermin, an', most important, how t'fight. Hares are perilous beasts, and I learned well from them. When they returned to Salamandastron, I left them an' traveled the river agin. 'Twas a fine spring morn when I came 'cross several harf-hidden caves 'long the riverbank. I settled there, an' afore long, shrews, mice, moles, treeflyers an' other otters came here to live as well.
Janglur Swifteye I have hooded eyelids which always gives the impression that I'm half asleep. I am a tough warrior and am very strong. However, whenever my daughter Songbreeze sings, it makes me cry.
Firedance Born of Grath and Inbar in Ruddaring, and was swept away by the current when I was only 3 seasons. I found one of my friends, and we teamed up with a squirrel named Fireangel. My friend died, and I wandered untill I came here, and here I'll stay.
Ashfur the Warrior I come from the far northern mountains and woodlands. I've been roamin' as long as I can remember and fightin' vermin even longer. I am an 'onest creature and savage fighter; I ain't backed down from a fight yet. I have been said to get the Bloodwrath like the badger lords when in battle.
Thistle Waterruff Born to Marigold and Campion Waterruff, who were killed when I was young, I wandered the Mossflower Woods until I was found by Aven Restharrow, who looked after me and taught me how to use my weapons. He taught me how to track and live by myself in the forest, and also taught me what I know about sailing. He died a few months ago, and I lived off the forest, until I managed to find this holt.
Thorn Silentpaw I'm a young female otter. I've spent most of my life travelling alone. I'm a wanderer at heart, with no real place to call home since my holt and family were slaughtered by a horde of vermin led by Raschir the Ruthless. I took my revenge, but was injured badly in the final battle. For this reason I rarely talk, but my battle training more than makes up for this. I have some training as an assassin, and I can climb almost as well as a squirrel. It's now time for me to settle down with another holt, and find a new group of friends, since my family has been avenged.
Windpaw Shoreblade I'm an orphaned wanderer with blue eyesand gold fur. I am a daring figher - but not necessarily obedient.
Lily Arrowheart I am a young ottermaid. I travel alone and carry a bow and arrows and a dagger. I am very good in battle.
Scott of the Sword I am a strange otter; I carry a sword. I was the only person left from Holt Highter after everyone else was wiped out. Including my father, Skipper, and my mother, Diber. I have travelled more seasons than I can remember, but now I devote my life to defending the shore.
Arkon Born during a thunderstorm. My parents and the members of the group we lived in were slaughtered when I was young. The death of my parents fuels my body when fighting. I am very silent, but in battle I will destroy the enemy. I will always avenge the death of comrades.
Rainsong I was born with coal black fur and am slightly small and after my parents were slayed by vermin I was raised by a couple who was always suspicious of me and when a member of my tribe was slain by vermin and I found his body the blame was laid on me! I fled and became a wanderer. I almost pity the vermin who dares cross me.
Moonwind Originally living at Redwall Abbey, and moved because of a yearning for adventure,trying several holts but not being entirely happy,now staying at Holt Riverdance.