Here you can select your job:
Here are the jobs:
- Food Gatherer
- Assistant Cook
- Cook
- Assistant Nursery Attendant
- Nursery Attendant
- Head of the Nursery
- Keeper of the Orphange
- Assistant Weapon Maker
- Weapon Maker
- Forge Attendant
- Assistant Shipbuilder
- Master Shipbuilder
- Assistant Sailmaker
- Sailmaker
- Assistant Infirmary Attendant
- Infirmary Attendant
- Head of the Infirmary
- Assistant Judge
- Judge
- Personal Aide to Keyla Riverdance
These jobs are not meant as ranks. Anybeast may choose a job. The jobs are necessary to keep the Holt running.
It's not possible to have just warriors.
Send requests to Keyla's Web Aide
or Keyla himself
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