Make Money With Your Computer
Now that you have invested in your computer,why not use it to recover some of your outlay? It has long been recognised that one of the most lucrative home businesses is "HOME PUBLISHING" You've already made the biggest investment, your computer. Isn't it time you used it to make youself some
money? What can you sell? One of the answers is "BUSINESS INFORMATION MANUALS" and "HOW TO GUIDES" Nothing could be easier as you buy the manuals in bulk in ASC11 on floppy disc for just a few pence each, import
them into your word processor then just print them out and sell them via mail order for £5 to £20 each (or dollars). You can even sell them on disc and charge anything up to £40 A TIME!! It really is a businessman's dream, and as simple as that as well
There are many subjects avaiable to the home publisher including, Import/Export,
charts, Computer Dating, Bed & Breakfast, Auctions, Mailing Lists, Wholesale Paper-backs, Advertising, Travel Agency, Catering, Carpet Cleaning, Stamps Locksmiths, Photography, etc. etc the list is almost endless.
These guides usually originate from people who have already succeeded in business and have written it all down,enabling others to avoid the pitfalls as well as learning the tricks of the trade. These people not only sell their guides, but the right to reprint and resell them as well.Prove it for yourself! Pick up any copy of
exchange & mart
or any similar publication and look under business opportunities, "there they are week after week", "MAKE MONEY FROM DRAWING", "115 WAYS TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS", "GET STARTED IN CAR DEALING", to name but a few.Why do they appear so often? because they all make money,people buy them all the time in their printed form.So why don't you get them all on a
floppy disc and be the one to supply them in their printed form!! Just e-mail me on
if you would like to have details of how to get a copy