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Braves Quotes

"It's not life or death, we're playing a game. I don't like losing, but I know tomorrow morning I'll get a hug from my little girl, and that means more to me than any baseball game."
-- Tom Glavine after the Braves lost to the Marlins in the 1997 NLCS

When Andruw Jones was asked why he chased a fly ball in the eighth inning while behind by 5 runs he said:

"If I didn't I'd be pissed off."

"What are the odds of that?" Maddux said after the Braves picked up their most doubles in a game since May 3, 1986. "That's trippy."

"The guy everyone wanted couldn't get 'em out, and the guy no one has ever heard of comes in and gets the save," said Tom Glavine (17-5), talking after the Braves 3-4 win against the Dodgers, after all of the Braves' runs were scored against Jeff Shaw. "There's a great sense of irony there."

``Monkey see, monkey do,'' was Maddux's explanation about how Glavine's great start affected his.
