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Ketchikan, Alaska

Ketchikan, Alaska & Deer Mountain - View of Mill Street and Cape Fox Lodge from Star Princess - Views of Ketchikan & ‘Thundering Wings of an Eagle’ Totem Pole - Sky view of Ketchikan

Ketchikan is the southernmost city in Alaska. When you are traveling north, it's "Alaska's First City". It's also "The Salmon Capital of the World".

Cliff and I moved here in April of 2002 and left September of 2002. While we were here, we saw wildlife, met lots of new people, saw Rosie O'Donnell, smelled lots of fish, climbed Deer Mountain, went to Misty Fjords National Monument, and it's also where our baby started it's life in my belly.

Cliff started out the summer working as a civil contractor for the US Forestry Service. It was a six week contract, and every week he would fly out to Prince of Wales Island and cook for 10 men. This is the barge he lived on out on Johnson Cove.

Chickamin Barge

After the Forestry Service, Cliff got a job working as Sous Chef at The New York Cafe. Here, he tripled their business in less than 2 months. And of course, I sent my Cruise West guests there every chance I could. After all, even the locals said it was the best food in Ketchikan after Cliff started working there.

Cape Fox Lodge on the hill, Stedman Bridge above Ketchikan Creek, and New York Cafe on the right - Thomas Basin Harbor, across from the New York Cafe

The entire summer I worked as a Driver Guide for Cruise West. I gave tours, I took people to and from the airport, and most of all, I had fun and learned a lot!

I drove this bus!  Deer Mountain in the background. - Spirit of Discovery - Spirit of Ninety-eight

Sometimes, I got to go on special tours for free. Like kayaking and on a day cruise to Misty Fjords National Monument.

Lyn & Erik Sarvela kayaking Tongass Narrows on a rainy day - White Tailed Dolphin swimming next to The Sheltered Seas

Misty Fjords and White Tailed Dolphins - Misty Fjords and White Tailed Dolphins

The guests of Cruise West in Ketchikan stayed at The Westcoast Cape Fox Lodge. We had a desk in the lobby that I helped work often, and these are the sites I’d see on a regular basis there.

Totems at Cape Fox Lodge and Deer Mountain - Deer at Cape Fox Lodge

About 3 miles south of Ketchikan is Saxman Village. It is a native Tlingit (Klingit) village. Located here is Saxman Totem Park, which is the largest collection of totem poles in the world.

Saxman Totem Park - Saxman Totem Park

One of the tours I did on a regular basis for Cruise West, was to the Tribal Hatchery and Eagle Center. Here we would view Bald Eagles in their natural habitat, Owls, and Salmon that were returning to the place they were born. Each year, Salmon return to where they were born, so they can spawn and then die. Those that returned to this hatchery, the hatchery would then start the cycle all over again.

Hunter & Chaalk, Bald Eagles - Moonshine, Great Horned Owl - BeeBee (Northern Pigmy Owl) & Moonshine - Fish Ladder where salmon return to the hatchery

Another tour I did on a regular basis was to the Totem Heritage Center. It has the largest collection of original totems in the US, with 33 totems and fragments from deserted villages.

Totem Heritage Center - Totem Heritage Center

Even in Ketchikan, you can get the English experience!

Ketchikan Double Decker Bus Tour

Here is one of the MANY falls on Revillagagedo Island. Salmon Falls is located on the northern end and has it’s own resort.

Salmon Falls

Just before we left Ketchikan, Cliff and I decided it was time to hike up Deer Mountain, which is 3,000 feet. It was a gorgeous day! And the only reason I made it up (while 4 months pregnant) was because Cliff dragged me up! But it was worth it.

Cliff & Lyn ˝ a mile up - Cliff 1 mile up - View from the top of Deer Mountain

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