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This section is to especially inform of the latest updates. You can check back here often to see what you haven't experienced.

Well, this is just about the biggest update I've made since I started the page. I lost interest in March, but I'm back for an update frenzy! New is a new format on the message board. Now you don't have to have an account with delphi to enter. Also new is the frames version, with also a no frames version. There is even some music on the front page now. I have joined two webrings, been added to 24 new search engines, and working on a logo. Fact of the Day is going to start anytime now. =o). the rest are just minor, but look out for changes!!!

The Black History Fact of the Day section goes up!! Fact Library link created. Keefe Black History survey in beta testing. Title on front changed to Keefe Black History. Update page created. Message board fixed.The sounds usually found on the front page are now located in the "historic videos and music" section. They were taking up too much space on home. Destroyed that annoying pop-up window(heh heh heh). It's gone for good.

Keefe Black History registered in Yahoo! Page visiting goes to about 35 visitors a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keefe Black History Officially established!! Name changed after I found another site with the title African American Heritage(Keefe is a name,but not mine). Page drastically changed with totally different style. Got a guestbook and message board. All links up,but only a few visitors.=-(

Beta version of page completed. A few changes were made. Title of page is now African American Heritage.Five urls:African Culture,Civil War,Civil Rights,Slaves,and Blacks Today. Trying for a page counter.

Page established with Angelfire.

Suggestions???-they're welcome
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