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Parenting Resources
I plan to organize these resources based on content, but for now I am adding them so this page is not empty when you visit it. Check back frequently to see new additions to this and other L.I.F.E. Academy pages!
Parents' Place--This site offers free registration to parents' chat groups, as well as a free weekly newsletter. You will find personal stories from other readers about their pregnancy and childbirth experiences, bulletin boards, articles about common parenting concerns, and product recall notices.
Tracy Mahan's Parenting Page--Lots of links to parenting information and kids' fun sites as well. This site is loaded with links on all kinds of parenting topics and concerns.
Interesting Places For Parents-- Links to tons of sites offering parenting advice, information, software, educational resources, adoption information, support groups, and shopping for kids stuff online.
National Parent Information Network--Links to a variety of parenting resources.
Page by a Mother of "Super Twins"/Mother of Multiples--Links to informative sites and encouraging groups for parents of multiples, and for those that have experienced the joys and trials of multiple births. Find sympathetic support groups for those that have suffered losses due to the great health problems and early births that often come with multiples.
The Forgotten Kids Official Webpages--This site is EXCELLENT! Very helpful, compassionate, and encouraging for parents of children with minor and often overlooked disabilities. Society as a whole is often unaware of these "nearly invisible" diabilities and therefore labels these chidren as naughty, bad, uncooperative, stubborn, or the victims of incompetant and uncaring parents! Lisa Mills did a wonderful job here! Be sure to stop at this site! Even if your children are "perfect", we all have a lot to learn about these "forgotten kids" so that WE will remember them in the future.
Special Needs Web Ring--This is another terrific site by Lisa Mills. Here you will find links to pages to help, encourage, and support parents of children with more pronounced special needs.
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Email: dkloeppe@mail.win.org