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The Holmes Family

The book, A History of DeKalb County Missouri 1845-1981, by the DeKalb County Historical Society, relates that our earliest known ancestor was Joseph Holmes:

"Joseph Holmes was born in 1736 in Virginia and married Elizabeth Foster. They moved to Tennessee, probably Campbell County - now Union County - where they died and are buried. They were parents of two sons and a daughter. One son, DAVID HOLMES (1777-1869) was buried in the Doherty Cemetery, Washington Township, east of Stewartsville on the present Pickett farm. He was born in Tennessee and came with his sister and brother to Howard County, Missouri, with Uncle Billie Livingston in 1816. The daughter married a Mr. Bond and the other brother settled in Cass County, Missouri."

The following was dictated to Bell Holmes Evans by Aunt Matilda Bowman, "JOSEPH HOLMES born in August 173?. His wife was Elizabeth Foster. She was married in her sixteenth year. They went from Virginia to Green or Overton (County) Tennessee and (she) died there when she was about 36 years old. I think he died not a great while after. During this same time period, Aunt Malinda Bowman told Clarence Snoderly the following: "Joseph Holmes first wife died in Virginia and they left two sons there with relatives. None of the present family knows what became of them (the sons). Elizabeth Foster was the second wife of Joseph Holmes."

David Oliver Holmes and Wife

David Oliver Holmes was born in Virginia in about 1777 (site of birth listed in the 1850 census).His parents were Joseph and Elizabeth Foster Holmes. It is believed the family emigrated to Green, Overton, or Campbell (now Union) Tennessee. According to family history, David married Tennessee. He probably married in about 1808. At this time no record of his marriage has been found and his wife's name is not known. David's son, Samuel's obituary, states that David Holmes fought in the War of 1812. David and his wife had at least eleven children.

David and his family emigrated to Ray County in about 1821. The area he settled became Clay County in 1822. A David Holmes entered a land patent in Clay County, Mo. on June 23, 1832, in Township 52, Range 31 West, for the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 14. There is a nearby creek named Holmes Creek.

In about 1836, David and his family moved to Clinton County, which had been organized from Clay in 1833. They settled in Platte Township. The History of Clinton County states, "David Holmes, another noted pioneer, was among the earliest settlers, and lived to an advanced age." David was the first blacksmith to settle in the area. His blacksmith shop was three and one-half miles south and one mile east of Stewartsville.

David's wife apparently died between the 1830 and the familie's move to Clinton County. The book "A History of DeKalb County Missouri 1845-1881" says Davids's wife died in Clay County and is buried there. The "history" dictated by Aunt Matilda Bowman also relates that David Holmes wife died in Clay County.

David Holmes died in 1869. He was buried in the Doherty cemetery.

Descendants of Joseph Holmes