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Isaac Sydebotham Sr. and Mary Ann Ryan

Our ancestor, Isaac Sydebotham, married Mary Ann Ryan, on April 20, 1823, in Frederick County, Virginia. (A county record) Mary Ann was born in about 1806, in Virginia.

Family Record of Isaac Sidebotham with Genealogy

and Diary

I was born Sept. 28, 1789 on highway about one mile from Stockport, Chesire, England. I left my father's house September 27, 1813, and went to reside at Middleton, in Lancashire, in the employ of Mr. D. Burton and Sons, Calico Manufactures and Printers. I continued with them in the capacity of a clerk till Feb. 1822, when I started for the United States of America, and sailed in the Franklin Cass William Eraksaan from Liverpool to Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, March 5th, half past 8:00 o'clock in the morning. We sailed out of the Princes Dock and landed at Baltimore April. In the month of May, I left Baltimore for Winchester, Virginia. On Sunday, April 20, 1823, I was married to Mary Ann Ryan of Winchester, Frederick County, Virginia. In December, 1823, I returned to Baltimore and began to weave with my cousin Enoil Holt.

When Isaac returned to Maryland, Mary Ann remained in Virginia. About 10:00 o'clock in the evening on Sunday the 15th of February, 1824, their son, John Henry, was born at his grandmother's, near the north mountain, Frederick County, Virginia. Mary Ann and the baby joined Isaac in Maryland on June 10, 1824.

Isaac moved to the works of the Union Manufacturing company of Marydon, on the Potomac, Eltnalls Mill, having obtained a situation as Clerk at the Mills.

Isaac became a citizen of the United States of America on May 12, 1829.

From Isaac's diary:

"July 31, Saturday, 1830, gave up my situation under Union Mfg., Comapny to go to the Western Country and provide for a resting place for myself and wife and little ones. Lord let thy blessing attend us and under the guidance of the good providence, may we find a resting place."

Isaac, Mary and their family moved to Ohio in 1830. The 1840 Federal census for Ohio lists Isaac and his family in Bearfield Township, Perry County, Ohio.

The 1850 census taken on November 5th, shows the family still living in Bearfield Township. Isaac's occupation is listed as "peddlar." The peddlar in those days, was a welcome sight to the farmers and their wives who lived far from a store. He sold everything from household necessities and tools to thread, lace and ribbons. He often would buy eggs and chickens from his customers and sell them in the towns.

Isaac died on September 8th, 1858. It is not known where he died. What happens to the rest of the Sydebotham family between 1850-1860 is a mystery. We do know that their daughter, Virginia Sydebotham and Jacob J. Thrush were married in Perry County, Ohio, on November 9, 1851.

By 1860, most all of the Sydebotham family had moved to Schuyler County, Illinois. Jacob and Virginia (Sydebotham) Thrush are living in Buena Vista Township with their five children. Our ancestor, twenty-two year old Isaac Sydebotham, is living nearby, in the home of John Moore. He listed his occupation as laborer.

Mary Ann Ryan Sydebotham was not listed in the 1860 census for either Ohio or Illinois. No further record of Mary Ann is found, and it is not known if she made the move to Illinois, or remained in Ohio. Hopefully, through further research we will find the date and location of her death, and her burial site.

Descendants of Isaac Sydebotham

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Isaac Sydebotham Jr. and Elizabeth Ann Thrush SYDEBOTHAM

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