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    Lindsey: I consider Lindsey to be my very best friend. We can usually talk about anything, and she is always there for me. Lindsey and I go to the movies A LOT.

    Emily: I would probably trust Emily a little more then I would the rest of my friends. She knows a few things that others don't. I really admire Emily for being herself... ALL the time. Emily is excellent at all sports.

    Lara: Lara has a really soft heart and is a great Christian. She sometimes does and says things before she thinks, but that's just Lara for you. Lara always seems to cheer people up when they need it the most.

    Kendra: I'm not sure if Kendra really cares for me all that much, but I think she is great. It doesn't bother her to speak her mind whenever or wherever, and her opinion is always honest.

    Dana: Dana is fun to talk to and she gets embarassed (sp?) easily. She is extremely tall and has really long finger-nails.

    Amanda: I am pretty good friends with Amanda. We go through some tough times though. Amanda is easy to talk to and she is fun to do things with. I'm really sorry for all of that honey, Amanda.

    Danielle: Danielle doesn't live in the same town, but we occasionally go to the same church. Danielle is kinda shy, but she is a really good friend.
