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Win My Award

So, you think your site has what it takes to win my award? Well, you're probably right! Just apply down here, and I'll come check out your page. I'm sorry my graphic isn't all that great right now, but hopefully I will have a new one up soon. (the background on this page my take a while to load, sorry) This is the best I can do for now. And now for the rules and regulations:


  • You MUST have signed my guestbook. There have been numerous people who have applied for this award BUT they don't sign the guestbook. I'm telling you people, if you don't sign the book you aren't getting the award. So, don't even apply if you aren't going to the guestbook.
  • Your page should @ least be a PG-13 site (you know what I mean)
  • If you recieve an e-mail saying you've won, then you must put up my graphic w/a link back to my page...duh!

    Pick from either of these images:

    Please fill out this form:

    Your full name:
    Your email address: (e.g.:

    Comments and any info I need to know. Do NOT forget your Homepage URL and the image you would like: Stunning, fast, FREE!    
    FREE feedback form powered by
