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Communications (message boards, newsgroupgs, newsletters etc
ADA message boards
Diabetes Wellness International (my group)
ADA newsletter
About.com forum (message board)
Children with diabets message board
Children with diabetes chat rooms
AOL message boards (not very good and you need AOL service to use :-( )
Meetup.com Find local diabetes support groups!
Diabetes Forums.com
Alt-support diabetes newsgroup
Type one diabetes group
More Links
Financial Struggles of diabetes
A NEW CURE for type one-harvard study
Harvard Diabetes research homepage
Glycemic Index information
Glycemic index vs Glycemic Load
What should Americans really eat, a NEW food pyramid by Harvard
Vitamin E fights type two diabetes
What type of diabetic am I??
Diabetes planner.com... menus and more but it costs $$
FREEE diabetes menus/recipes
ADA on nutrition
American College of Endo A1C info
What the Heck is an A1C??
MODY information
Genetic testing for MODY
Stripping down the cost of test strips
What is the A1C test?
Very clear article for A1C info
Avoiding carbs in the am (type twos) (also great healthy food ideas)
A1c Conversion chart
Just an A1C chart
Desktop companion to type two
International Diabetes Federation
More and More links
Are you really brittle?
The myth of brtittle diabetes
Insulin to carb ratio explained
Tons of independant reviews on diabetes meds,like Lantus side effects!
glucose control benefits
Tips on HOW to test blood sugar
How in the world do I test blood sugar?
The deceit of Splenda ?
Beginers guide to diabetes
Type Two diabetes trigger and possible fix
A comparison of childhood and adult type One (new eng med)
Great site with adult type one stories
Diabetes and pregnancy
Nutritional info (carbs, cals, fat etc) calculator
Calorie calculators (includes fast food, very current)
The genetics of diabetes
Diabetic Mommy, pregnancy and diabetes
Type one diabetes and pregnancy
medical info on diabetes and pregnancy
If I have diabetes will my child get it (genetics)
Calculator (not a chart) for Hba1c
Lilly UK info