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W O R K   E X P E R I E N C E

October 1999-present Freelance translator, editor, proofreader and interpreter in Modena, Italy for Italian and foreign translation companies. Teacher of technical translation, and general interpretation at Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori Istituto San Pellegrino in Misano Adriatico, Italy.
October 1994-1999 Freelance translator in Modena, Italy for Italian and foreign translation companies. Part-time project manager and editor at Interlanguage snc in Modena, Italy. Teacher of technical translation, and general interpretation at Scuola Superiore per Interpreti e Traduttori Istituto San Pellegrino in Misano Adriatico, Italy.
1988-1993 Partner in the company Intrastudio srl in Mirandola, Italy. Coordinated work between translators and multinational clients in Italy, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, the U.K., and Switzerland. Coordinator of large biomedical translation projects. In addition translated and interpreted for the same clientele.
1986-1988 In-house translator from German and English into Italian at Intrastudio srl.