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WARNING: these pictures are graphic and are not to be viewed by the faint at heart.

Animal suffering hasn't dissapeared. It is still alive and well, unlike the animals who are dying from it. These pictures are graphic and shocking, so they below probably shouldn't be viewed by people who ignore it, because they are too afraid to face the fact that it exists.

And I know that these pictures are alittle graphic, but I didn't put them up to be cute, i just wanted people to relize exactly what goes on in the meat and fur idustry, and animal testing in laboratories.
If people aren't willing to admit how bad the problem is, how will animal suffering (for human "needs") ever end?

The Meat Industry

Cows that are injured or become sick during transport to the stockyards or slaughterhouse often become unable to stand. They are referred to as "downers." They are often pushed around with bulldozers into piles and are left to die a horrific death.

~from the Teen Vegetarian Page

In the slaughterhouse, this pig has collapsed in his own vomit.

"I saw--with my own eyes--innocent animals having their heads bashed in with a captive bolt pistol, some two or three times. Then a man would walk over and slit the cow's throat. Buckets of blood poured out. It was horrible--the animals were squirming and screaming. One of the men came out of a room while sharpening his knife and told us to watch out for cows who fall off the chain and charge the workers." --Mike Luce, after visiting a slaghter plant in Grant City, IL, April 1997

Animal Testing

Rabbits in stocks for eye irritancy tests. Chemicals eat into the eye and sometimes through the eye. Rabbits are common test subjects for these eye tests because they have no tear ducts to create tears to wash the chemicals out.

~from this page

This infant monkey,"Britches", was rescued from an animal research lab. She was found in a darkened room with her eyes sewn shut. She is now well cared for.


A monkey placed in a restraining device for experimentation.


These terrified monkeys are the lucky ones, atleast they have someone else to cling to while they are left alone, unlike others.
