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My Trip Picture Album - #1
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This is the first picture I took on the trip. If you're wondering what we're holding, that's our Disney Land Tickets!
FRONT ROW - Tina, Ran, Kelsey
SECOND ROW - Kristee, Nikki, Nickels, Shelly, Kari, Tony
IN THE BACK - Ross, Chun, Me

Candid Flags
Here's a candid pic of the flags taking a picture in front of a wall that says, "FLAGS" OOoooohhhh!!!!

Six Flags 1
This is one of the first pix we took when we got to six flags.
L.2.R - Krys, Me, Jez, Kay, Chun, Ross

Me and Kayla riding the Batman, an inverted steel coaster. I thought that thing was friggin scary! Kayla said it was hella fun!

Here's a bunch of gay fags, I have absolutely no idea who these queers are so don't ask!

Here's the nice pic of the flags.
FRONT ROW - Jan, Nikki, Cat, Shelly
BACK ROW - Court, Kay, Krys, Tina, Chun, Ran, Nikki, Kari, Kris, Jez

Six Flags
FRONT - Kayla & Krysten
BACK - Brian, Me, Courtney, Rick, Cat

Six Flags
Check out those asian cowboys...don't look at the hole in my pants please!

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