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My Trip Picture Album - #4
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Dance 1
L.2.R - Kelsey, Rand, Tina, Kristee, and Shelly

Dance 3
Ross sittin at the table while Rick and Court make fun of him.

Dance 5
Me and some really CUTE girl I don't know.

Bay 2
Amber and Me on one of the piers in San Francisco.

Tina, Brian, and the back of Kristee's Head.

Dance 2
FRONT - Chun, Ross, & Me
BACK - Krys, Kari, some guy from the Wyoming All-State Band, and Chunks

Dance 4
Amber and Me dancing to Tyrese's Sweet Lady

Bay 1
L.2.R - Me, Amber, Ayshen, Kayla, Brian, and Rick

Bay 3
Me and the most beautiful thing on Earth, and Amber...I miss her.

Brian, Tina, and Me on the last nite of the trip.

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