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About Kima

Kima was born on May 16 1988. Her breed is a white samoyd(don't know if its spelled right). She is an Alaskan dog and she sheds like crazy! I remember the day when we got her even though I was only 3. Her dad was in the back yard running around and the mom was with the other puppies. I'm not sure but I think she had 7 puppies. Kima was the runt of the litter. But the way we picked her(well actually I picked her hehe) was that when my mom bent down to pet the puppies, Kima jumped right into her pocketbook and I yelled "Mommy, I want that one!" So she's the one we got. Kima is a great friend to me. I tell her everything. I am an only child so sometimes it gets really lonely but Kima cheers me up. I love her sooooo much!

April 14, 1999 - We took Kima to the groomer and also she had a check up! You can see what she looks like shaved in the pictures section! I also have some very bad news, Kima has 3 tumors. 2 on her back leg and one on her neck. She could get and operation but my parents aren't sure if they want to go through with it b/c she is old and may not make it!

May 5, 2000 - We had to put Kima to sleep today and I miss her so much! :~(