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The Southwest is the only place we have visited, as tourists, in the United States. However, I think we chose wisely. We started in Flagstaff and journeyed to The Grand Canyon. No one has the words to describe this place. We hiked to several different areas, each one magnificent. We also took a flightseeing trip over the canyon. I don't have the words.

From the Grand Canyon, we traveled to Canyon de Chelley which, in some ways, we enjoyed more. You are taken by eight wheeled vehicles through the canyon where you are able to see cliff dwellings of the Annasazi indians. Throughout are pictographs and petroglyphs in the rocks drawn by this ancient group of people who have long since disappeared. Being there you can just imagine the difficult life these people must have had.

Our next destination was Monument Valley, where many old westerns were filmed. We were fortunate to be able to visit a native woman who was a friend of our guide. They prepared "fry bread" for our lunch and we were invited into their Hogan when she showed us how wool is made into yarn and how the rugs and other handicrafts are made.

The next day we took a float trip down the San Juan river from Bluff to Mexican Hat, Utah. The highlight of the trip was being able to to into a cliff dwelling and stand were these ancient people lived. It was a moment to remember.

We next visited Capital Reef National Park where we took a long hike through an arroyo. Then on to Arches National Park and our last destination being Canyonlands National Park.

We are so lucky to live in a country with such diversity and beauty. I doubt there is anything that can compare to the United States.

