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Will of - James W. (Bull) Mortimer Sr.

I, James Mortimer, of Sauk County Wis. being of sound mind and memory and mindful of the uncertainties of human life do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner following to wit.

1st. After payment of my just debts and funeral expences I give and bequeath to my wife Malinda Mortimer the use of all my estate both real and personal during her natural life or so long as she remains my widow.

2ed. If my said wife Malinda Mortimer shall remain my widow until the time of her death, I give and bequeath all of the mentioned estate to my son Frank Mortimer as compensation for his services in looking after and taking care of my said wifes minor children. But in case of the death or remariage of my said wife before my said son Frank shall arrive at the age of twenty one years or in case that he the said son Frank shall not live to said age or should fail to render said service. Then and in that case I will that all of my estate as aforesaid be equally divided between my hiers share and share alike.

3rd. The foregoing bequeath are upon the condition that my said wife Malinda shall at all times give a home to my daughter Lizzy Mortimer so long as she may remain single or wish such home. This insterment amules any former will by me made.

4th. I hereby nominate and affoint my son Geo W. Mortimer Executor of this my last will and testament and here by authorize him the said Geo W. Mortimer to compomize compound and settle any claim or demand that may be against or in favor of my said estate the same as I might do if living.

The within and foregoing instrument was signed by the testator in our presence who have subscribed our names as witnesses at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other this 21st day of Oct. 1896.

Mark of
James Mortimer

A. Stanbery - of town of Woodland
Edgar J. Mortimer

Filed Dec. 14, 1896
County court
Sauk County, Wis.
W. T. Kelsey, Judge

All spellings are the same as on the certificate, or as close as I can make out.

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