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Oaks Cemetery

Name(s) : Oaks Cemetery
Location : NW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Section 35, T13N, R4E, Town of Woodland, County of Sauk, State of Wisconsin - East of County "G" in triangle formed by road.
Copied by : Bernadette Bitter, Ena C. Moll, Mary Schuette
Date Copied : July 22, 1977
From Sauk County Cemetery Inscription, Volume #5, Page's 116-126.

This cemetery was deeded December 30, 1873 but there were a number of burials in the 1860's, the oldest extant stone bearing date of January 24, 1860. Many of the persons buried here were Quakers. The Quakers came to the area from Hamilton and Grant counties, Indiana.

Some stones are obviously missing and quite a few are very worn and/or missing in part. Wives, relationships, and more complete dates have been added in parenthesis where such information was determined from newspapers or other records.

Copying commenced at the rods on the right-hand side of the cemetery. Direction was reversed at the end on each row.

MITCHELL : John Dennis Royce (Mar. 27, 1812) - Dec. 21, 1866, 53y 9m 6d (family gives d. Dec. 22, 1865
William H(enry)(July 29) 1855 - Mrs. Wm (no dates) m. (Julia Ellen Shattuck 1856 - July 1, 1896)
Olive (no dates; d.age 12)(1887-1899 added by Suzanne Cross)

HEINRICH : John Aug. 16, 1824 - Dec. 25, 1893, 69y 4m 9d; f.
Mary (Feb.4)1839- (Oct. 23) 1927 nee Priemer; wife
Margareth H. d. Mar. 11, 1867, 81y 1m w/o Peter Heinrich
Dortha d. Jan. 22, 1873, 6m 18d; dau./o J. & M.

(Descendants have Americanized the name "Heinrich" to "Henry")

VERGERONT : Margaret d. Sept. 18, 1881, 43y 2m 13d; w/o August

I'm waiting just over the river
For my husband and son and friends
While Jesus the beautiful giver
His light on their pathway sends.
O' walk in the light my beloved ones
Till we meet on the shining shore
When pain and all sin and temptation
Will never be known anymore.

BUNKER : Rev. Macy d. April 13, 1897, 74y 6m 6d
Margaret d. March 11, 1873, 46y (nee Roof)

WOOD : Mary A. (Oct. 29, 1847) - Jan. 15, 1877, 29y 2m 17d (dau. of Caleb Coryell); wife of W. P.
Harry d. Aug. 12, 1877, 8m 19d; son

CORYELL : Edward C. d. March 27, 1865, 20y 6m; Co. H, 12th W VI GAR

CORYELL : Caleb Jan. 31, 1812 - Oct. 2, 1885 (Stone broked; part not on grave.)

CLEMONS : William July 18, 1788 - Jan. 24, 1860
Harriet Sept. 26, 1798 - March 7, 1871 his wife (nee Clyman)

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