Wheres Punky & Lew now?
Date - 6/8/2001
Punky jerked his leash loose from my grasp attempting to go see another dog, ran across the street and got hit by a car May 31, in Moab, Utah. He was dead and brought back with CPR and is out of intensive care in Grand Junction, Colorado, where I flew him in a private plane for a CAT scan, better facilities and treatment for head trauma. He is being released to my care today. He is much better, but still weak and has a long way to go to be fully recovered. He is eating and walking, a bit unsteadily, and responds to familiar phrases with his eyes and ears. The veterinarian is optimistic he will be OK in about 30 days. Only time will tell how long recovery will take and to what extent. Cathy, a very nice lady, who works as a nurse in the doctor's office adjoining the veterinarian's office, heard of Punky's accident and offered to let us stay with her until Punky recovers and is able, hopefully, to ride again. Now, ironically, she has had to go to Omaha, where her mother has died, and attend her funeral. Cathy has left me, a stranger, a vagabond biker, in her home for 6 days with the use of her truck until she returns. She is an angel not in very good disguise. The vet took pictures of Punky and I will try to post them to our website. Gotta go get Punky. Later.
Lew Waterman
Punky & Lew's Americas Motopaseo
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