Wheres Punky & Lew now?


Date: Sun Jul 15, 2001 6:25 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew

Hi Mark & List: My body clock is totally messed up with the daylight even in the middle of the night. Didn't go to bed until 3:30 AM last night. Four nights in a row I've pitched the tent at midnight. Met Peter and Kay Forwood. They and Greg Frasier are the first experienced round the world riders I've met personally. They've been everywhere. Peter and Kay are riding two up on a Harley Electra Glide loaded to the hilt. They did the Dalton Hwy. to Prudhoe and back and have pix of their travels through Africa on roads that make the Dalton Hwy. look tame by comparison. We're camping in Fairbanks with a mix of people from Israel, Spain, Australia and the states. Some are riders and others not. Bikes represented are a Harley, a BMW 1100 GS, and a KTM. Of course, Jim Clark and his son Jim are in a motel and riding KLR's. We've camped across Alberta, BC, the Yukon and Alaska at private campgrounds, government campgrounds, a Royal Canadian Mountie's yard, behind a baseball field in Whitehorse (where little league kids started playing baseball in the cold rain at 6:30 am), on public property on a grassy hill where dirt bikes played and behind a gas station. Met two guys and a woman riding incredibly loaded bicycles from Halifax to Alaska. Envied their energy and stamina. Critter is like a Timex that takes a licking and keeps on ticking, despite the flogging and abuse I heap on it. Punky is fairing well and seems to be handling the cold and rain. Still the star of the show, as always. I have a heated vest for the ride to Deadhorse, but Punky doesn't. I'll watch closely to see that he doesn't get too cold. The covered, wind and rainproof pouch for the pooch seems to work well. Not paying close attentin to miles/day, but guesstimate we're averaging around 300 miles. Punky's card is getting him in 99% of restaurants. I have to keep Punky away from Bear, a 135 lb. Malmute dog where we are camping now. Punky growls and barks menacingly at Bear. Bear in turn wants a snack. Bear gets along fine with another small dog that doesn't give him a ration of shit. The only way Punky could hurt Bear is if Bear ate Punky and choked on his bones. Enough for now. Mark, thanks for handling everthing with the website, pix, donations, etc. Sorry for the screw-up with the film. I'm learning to tell the difference between used and unused film and to advance an unfinished roll before removing it from the camera. Everything we are doing is a learning experience. It seems I have been very conservative with time and distance estimates. We'll move faster than I thought, which is a good thing to get us to Ushuaia by Christmas. But, we may have to deal with the rainy/hurricane season, which goes into November in the zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator. Heavy rains cause road and bridge washouts and detours onto mudddy dirt roads, etc. Later.

Punky & Lew


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