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Date: 4-12-2003
Subject: Punky, Lew & Achi 2 shipping from Rio to Miami

Hi everyone: After extremely frustrating and aggravating negotiations with Azteca shipping agent, Marcos, at the Rio international air cargo terminal, we finally reached agreement to ship Critter for $606 including his fee, customs documents, and transporting Critter on Tam Airlines Rio - Miami Sat. April 12. A crate had to be made, Critter partially disassebled put inside and transported to the airport for another $200. The negotiating proccess was mindboggling. We made numerous 2 hours each way trips on public transportation to the airport. Each time the price went up another hundred bucks or so. I told Marcos that if the price went up any further, I wasn't going to ship the bike. He said, "So, what will you do with the bike?" He obviously figured he had me between a rock and a hard place. I replied, "My wife, having money for rent and food is more important to me than the bike. I'll leave the bike here." He relented and dropped the price back down to the original level. It is obvious to me that Marcos gets juicy kickbacks from the airlines and the guy he sends customers to who makes the crate. He seems to sqeeze every cent out of the customer he possibly can. If anyone with a truck can meet us at the Miami airport Monday April 14, 4:40am to transport the crate/bike somewhere for a few hours of re-assembly and gas, please let me know immediately. We arrive from Sao Paulo on Tam Airlines.
Later, amigos and amigas.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo


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