Where's Punky & Lew now?



Date: 4-18-2003
Subject: Punky, Lew & Achi 2 safe in Lake Worth, Florida

Hi everyone: We are paying mucho for one week in a nice motel in Lake Worth, FL. We were extremely lucky and caught friends from Buffalo, NY, who own apartments here and in Buffalo. They are here for a month to do maintenance on there properties. Usually they come to Florida earlier in the winter and are gone back to Buffalo by now. I rented from them for 10 years before and became a trusted friend. They are doing us a BIG favor and making it easy for us to move in to one their nice 1 bedroom 2 bath apartments walking distance from the town center and the beach. They are even supplying us with some furnishings in a normally unfurnished unit to get started. A big load off our minds. Achi was fretting terribly. She is now very happy we have a nice home to go to. Still waiting for the bike to be shipped to Miami from Rio. It is frustrating to be without transportation. My legs are getting ready to fall off from walking.
Later, amigos.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo


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