Wheres Punky & Lew now?



From: punkynlew@h...
Date: Wed Jul 25, 2001 3:07 pm
Subject: Re: Next A15 mod (Punky & Lew) Long

--- In DSN_klr650@y..., jayed36@y... wrote:
So I've been sitting around pondering what to change next on the A15. The more I ride this bike, the more I like it. The re-jetting is being adjusted today as the initial install had it sputtering in higher RPM's.
...I was thinking maybe a Laser ProDuro next...maybe progressive shocks... or something to spiff up the appearance.
I've been on the net... Hmmmm well since about 1992, can't say I've ever found a group that has provided as much great support, tech info (and humor) as this group.
...Maybe a Corbin or a Russell seat for my delicate butt
I read through some of the Punky & Lew posts, looked at some of the pics (Love the goggles Punky! Have you considered a Kevlar body suit?) Punky sitting up on the tank bag... definitely top dog!
...Oooooh, Avon gripsters, I'm thinking
I ride 20 miles over to my buddy's house and complain that this damn stock seat just ain't cutting it... complain that it's only 65 degrees here in the Bay area and I gotta wear a jacket. Then I see the trip that Punky and Lew are taking and I shut my mouth.
What I would give to have a travel partner like Punky. What I would give to have the spirit of adventure like Lew. It ain't much, but there's a $100 money order coming your direction today. The Laser exhaust can wait another month.
What I'd give to see another picture of Punky up on that tank bag, goggled up, seemingly saying "Yeah dude, let's get this thing moving!"

San Francisco

Hey Jeff: I get choked up and Teary eyed every time I read messages like yours. This list never ceases to amaze me. Thanks is totally inadequate, but thanks anyway -- to all. Punky continues to improve and the vets say they expect he will ride again in about a month. What a dog! The little dog that could -- and does -- again and again. Mark, please put this on the website. Later.

Sincerely, Punky & Lew


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