Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Thu Dec 20, 2001 1:22 am
Subject: Punky & Lew/Glen Heggstad

Hi everyone: I am in Quito, Ecuador, recovering from surgery, which installed a titanium plate and pins to repair a shattered right ankle. The doctor says he will remove the cast Cec. 27. Then, I will be able to put full weight on the foot. For now, I can only put partial weight on the foot with the aid of crutches. I am not suffering any more pain. Punky, who was not injued in the fall, and I are being well cared for in the homme of an Ecuadoran attorney and his wife. As most of you know, my injury occurred in a fall going through a curve on the southern section of the Pan American Highway between Popayan, Colombia and the Ecuadoran border. I consider myself lucky to have made it through Colombia with only a broken ankle. You may recall that I was accompanying Mariola Cichon through Colombia to help protect her. Guess who needed whose help? We had ridden from Bogota to Armenia and Soteno, before heading down through Cali to the Pan Am and the Ecuadoran border. We twice saw signs of guerrila activity, a burned bus and many trucks with tires punctured by the ELN blocking the road.
My new Ecuadoran friend, Ricardo Rocco Paz, has given me a copy of a message from Glen Heggstad, a fellow American KLR rider touring to Tierra Del Fuego, describing his ordeal just 2 weeks before we rode a similar section of the road in Colombia. Glen was kidnapped by the ELN and held captive in the mountainous jungle for five weeks, suffered mock executions, psychological torture, loss of 43 pounds and threats of all kinds, before being released minus his bike, money, passport and documents and with only the clothes on his back. A partial account, in his own chilling words, of what transpired at the scene of his abduction, where the guerrilas were trying to force Glen to go with them into the jungle follows. Fearing torture before death he replies to AK-47's jabbing his ribs, "No quiero ir! I don't want to go! The shouting increases substantially, but I have made up my mind. Me no voy! I'm not going! The situation is totally out of control and everyone is shouting more and louder in languages neither understands. The leader levels his machine gun at my face from ten feet. I snarl back, Chinga tu madre puto, lo hace aqui! _uck your mother, punk! Do it here! The leader lowers his weapon and draws a 9mm pistol, chambers a round and points it between my eyes. I scream out, Andele pues puto! Get in on, punk! I close my eyes just before a deafening crack rips through the air. I've never been shot before and don't know what it should feel like. For a few moments, I'm not sure if I'm dead or alive. Nothing is registering in my brain and my body is frozen. The bullet cleared my head intentionally and he now takes careful aim at my arm. I realize they want me alive and that I am going with them, with or without a gunshot wound in the arm."

Glen then disappeared into the massive green mountainous Colombian jungle with his captors and without a trace as his worst nightmare became reality. Glen's message spoke of friends coming from the USA attempting a rescue, recruiting ex-rangers with a Cobra helicopter and 50mm machine guns. They were deported shortly before his release. Glen says he cannot disclose more details, because of an agreement with the ELN, FBI and Embassy officials, who believe other hostages would be in danger. The FBI made arrangements to fly Glen home to the USA and were incredulous that he refused, saying he would stay, await delivery of another bike and continue his quest to Tierra Del Fuego and back. Glen says he gets E-mails from people who suggest he has a death wish, but he considers his tour an exercise in determination. Glen, obviously a very gutsy and determined individual, is awaiting a new passport, a flight to Quito and delivery of another ride. I and Ricardo Rocco Paz, who was himself kidnapped by the ELN last year, await Glen's arrival in Quito, where we hope to greet him at the airport and offer any possible assistance. There is another bed in my room. Ricardo is expecting delivery of a new Honda Africa Twin around Jan. 1. He intends to ride with Punky and I to the Peruvian border. Maybe Glen will be ready to ride with us? Ricardo will then continue his Round The World For Peace Tour, heading for North America. I hope our American motorcycle community will extend the same courtesies and assistance that he does to any rider coming through Ecuador. I'm proud to have him as a new friend. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Welcome to the realities of international motorcycle adventure touring. I always said, "I don't expect it all to be fun." I expect to be back home, via a flight from Caracas, Venezuela, around November, 2002. Don't intend to go back through Colombia or Central America.

A very merry Christmas to all, especially my best friend, Robyn and little "Squirt" and his new 9 week old Yorkie brother "Spanky?" I understand "Squirt" is suffering the same harrassment from "Spanky?" as "Punky" did from the little "Squirt" when he was a pup. Paybacks are hell, says Robyn. Punky still dances with anticipation, when asked if he wants to go for a ride on the motorcycle. It won't be long now. Thanks to the many who sent words of encouragement. I had a serious backlog of messages to answer. I hope Mariola made it safely to Cuzco, Peru to meet Kris by Dec. 1 and is enjoying their time together. Maybe we'll meet a fourth time down the road. I hope so. Stay tuned for more reports. Glen, please let me know when you will arrive at the Quito airport. Feliz Navidad y un prospero ano nuevo.

Sincerely, Punky & Lew
Punky & Lew's Americas Motopaseo (slightly delayed)
Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Y2K KLR 650 "Critter"
Used to be Navigator: "Senor Frog" on the front fender

Now in Quito, tel. from Quito: 2-456-049
Address: Casa de Eduardo y Angelica Tocain
Voz Andes N39-50 y Juan Diguja (Sector H.C.J.B.)
Quito, Ecuador, South America


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