Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Sat. June 22, 2002 4:31 pm
Subject: Punky & Lew & Achi 2

Hi Windflower: Please update me on what's happening with you, Roma and your tour plans. Achi and I are getting married July 12. Ricardo Rocco Paz is riding from Quito on his new Honda Africa Twin to be my best man. We will then ride to Coroico, Bolivia for 2 weeks honeymoon and return with new 90 day permits for me and Critter. How was that road from La Paz to Coroico and the Yungas. Lonely Planet says it was the worst road in the Americas. They also said the road was being upgraded a few years ago. Plan to continue our tour, with Achi as passenger, in late October. Critter now has extra seat padding, sheepskin and a padded back rest on the front of the tailbox, which has been moved back to allow room for Achi. I am dumping the weight of a bunch of old stuff and adding Achi and her stuff. We both know KLR's weren't meant for this kind of use, but we're going to give it our best shot. Hope to be in Ushuaia for Christmas, try to tango with Achi (my originally planned partner can't be there), then Rio for Carnaval a year later than originally planned. We will then ride north through all the countries to Caracas, Venezuela, maybe catch a plane to Cuba, fly from Cuba to Cancun, Mexico, ride to Belize and return through eastern Mexico to the U.S. I will then have completed 100% of my originally planned tour. I have to make sure that going to Cuba isn't going to screw up Achi's initial entry, with an alien spouse conditional visa, into the U.S. That might happen if the Cubans stamp her Peruvian passport. I know they won't stamp mine. All is very well here in Lima. My relationship with Achi continues to strengthen and is as steamy as ever. WOW, what a woman! It's too bad I had to wait 64 years to find one like her. I'll love her as much as I can for as long as I can. Then, I'll fade into oblivion with a smile on my face. My ankle is much improved. Hope all is well with you, Kris and the family and that Roma is repaired and ready to carry you the rest of the way around the world. Later, amiga.

Love, Punky & Lew & Achi 2
Lima, Peru


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