Wheres Punky & Lew now?



Date: Tues Oct. 15, 2002 1:49 pm
Subject: Punky, Lew, & Achi 2, Americas Motopaseo continues!

Hi everyone: Our adventure is beginning anew with my new wife Achi. We are a trio now. Achi has the flu and laryngitis, so we are postponing our departure southward, to Ushuaia, Tierra Del Fuego, Argentina, a day or 2 or 3 waiting for her to get better. Our going-away party, Sat. night, was a smashing success and everyone had a great time. It was a celebration, but sadness was in the air as well. Tears were shed, including mine. Achi is riding off with a loco gringo on a motorcycle into who knows what. Adventure, danger, oppressive heat, freezing cold, torrential rain and sore asses for sure. People and places never to be forgotten and AMERICA, certain to be a mindboggling experience, the dream of a lifetime realized for Achi. Achi, her family and friends know not whether they will ever see each other again. Achi even has to leave her dog Kuki. So, it is with a mixture of joy and sadness that we are leaving Peru, the magical land of Inca ruins, towering Andes Mountains, seemingly endless deserts adjoining Pacific beaches and the jungles on the east side of the mountains. I won't miss the crazy drivers in Lima, but know there will be countless others throughout the rest of our tour all over Latin America. It is a Latino thing, driving to gain a milimeter on the others, however they can. One has to develop 360 degree vision and become just as agressive as they are. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." All the documents and preparations are in order. Critter, my KLR650, is ready as are we all. Punky, my Yorkie dog, is well and will continue to ride proudly on the tankbag drawing stares, second looks of amazement, endless questions and break the ice making friends everywhere. Chris Friedman, of New Mexico, left this morning on his Suzuki DR650, heading to Bolivia to see his friend Stuart, who is riding from Brazil to meet him. We are looking forward to encountering Chris, Aussies Peter and Kay Forwood on their Harley and Ricardo Rocco Paz on his newly aquired KLR650 somewhere south of here, as well as making new friends with others, particularly motorcyclists, along the way. Peter and Kay have ridden 172,000 miles to 123 countries. Makes our tour seem kinda puny. We will be sending more photos and making reports to our website: www.angelfire.com/mo/motormark/Punky_n_Lew.html in English and Spanish, including Achi's slant on things. We expect to be back in Florida in April 2003. Thanks to "Motormark" Wilson for his tireless efforts to maintain the website and for being our best supporter. The addition of Achi to our tour is an unexpected additional expense. If anyone wishes to contribute to our cause, please contact Motormark at motormark@mindspring.com . See ya soon in Stone Mountain, Georgia, amigo. Best regards to all y'all.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo


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