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Date: Wed Oct. 30, 2002
Subject: Punky, Lew & Achi 2 Trip Report from Puerto Montt, Chile

Hello everyone: We are in Puerto Montt, Chile, a lovely European-like seaside city at the end of the Pan Am highway route #5, for 2 days. After leaving Viņa del Mar, we rode through Santiago de Chile and then south through beautiful rich agricutural areas to Talca. The following cool and sunshiny day, we had a good ride through more green pine tree studded areas to Osorno, hoping to meet Australian round the world Harley riders Peter and Kay Forwood. Somehow, we managed to miss them. Que lastima! Last saw them in Fairbanks, Alaska in July 2001. Tomorrow, we will ride back to Osorno and over the cold high Andes to Bariloche, Argentina, a storybook beautiful place on the edge of the Argentine side of the Andes Mountains. Then, we will take the easy, though cold and windy, paved route south and east to the Atlantic coast and then south again on route #3 through Patagonia to Tierra del Fuego. The load Critter is carrying precludes the possibility of safely riding long distance dirt roads. The 1,400 km dirt road south of Bariloche in very high and cold winds doesn't appeal to me and definately not to Achi. No sense in making it hard on me and the bike and scaring the shit out of Achi and maybe myself. We are having a great time, except for one hiccup, which I will leave unexplained for now. Everthing is fine now. No one promised either one of us a perfectly wonderful time all the time. Looking forward to visiting Argentina and eating their famously good meats. The cost of things is supposed to make it a lot easier for one with dollars now. We have become disenchanted with eating meat dishes here in Chile. Too often we pay a high price for a very poor quality meat. Hard to cut with a knife and harder to chew. We decided to stick with chicken or seafood. We had a great salmon dinner tonight. Last night we enjoyed a bottle of wine mixed with fruit juice, like sangria, a platter of mixed shellfish with crackers in bed and cable TV. Life is good. Stay tuned for futher reports. By the way, I recently made a comment that my best supporter has always been Motormark. That's not exactly accurate. Motormark has been very supportive, but I have a freind in Boynton Beach, Florida, who helped me get this whole thing on the road and realize my dream tour. Will send Motormark 2 or more rolls of used film from Bariloche. Later, amigos and amigas.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo
Puerto Montt, Chile


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