Where's Punky & Lew now?



Date: 12-21-2002
Subject: Punky, Lew & Achi 2 in Mar Del Plata

Hi everyone: We are resting comfortably, after 10 days of riding with only overnight stops in Mar Del Plata. This is the premier beach resort city for which the people of Buenos Aires can escape the summer heat, buz and congestion of life in the capital. Television news reports massive demonstrations in the city centers of Buenos Aires and Mar Del Plata by those wanting jobs and food. Economic and political problems persist and probably will for a long time to come. Also reports of workers on strike and massive demonstrations in the streets of Caracas, where 80% of gas stations are without fuel and President Chavez is under fire again to resign. If the problems in Caracas persist, we may have to make other plans where to terminate the tour and fly back to the U.S. Not sure how I can afford to pay the high cost of shipping Critter to Miami. Strangely, it costs even more to ship to Panama. I hope I am not forced to sell Critter. I hate the idea of parting with my steed. Daytime max temps in Mar Del Plata are a balmy 75-78 degrees fahrenheit. Achi is anxious to get a bikini and go to the beach, where the water is cool, but she says not colder than the beaches in Lima. Walked to the beach yesterday and, in an adjoining plaza, saw some wild and interesting folk dancing. Plan to ride tomorrow to Miramar, where the beaches and water are better, and return to Mar Del Plata. Waiting for a message from Ricardo Rocco Paz to know precisely when and where he will meet us, Azul or Buenos Aires. Ricardo, we are at the Hotel Wini Pu, Rm. #106, Calle Garay 1576, tel. (0223) 451-7970/7600. Either city is only about 5 hours away. We need to know in order to make our plans for where we will be for Christmas and New Years. It is more difficult in the larger cities of Argentina to find affordable ($10-$15/dbl.) hotels that will accept Punky, have private bath and protected parking for Critter. After a long days ride it is a pain to look for a hotel that will take Punky. All is well with Critter, Seņor Frog, Punky, Lew, & Achi 2. MERRY CHRISTMAS to y'all, with special thoughts of Robyn, the doggies, Achi's family and Motormark.
Later, amigos & Amigas.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo


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