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Date: 1-10-2003
Subject: Punky, Lew & Achi 2, geezer struggles with run-a-way Critter

Hi everyone: Achi really liked Azul. She loved to swim in the river behind the very nice campgrounds there. She saw more lightning than ever before. More is in our future, as well as rain, as we ride further north into the tropic zone. We made good friends in Azul, said our goodbyes with hugs and kisses. Hugging and kissing men, as well as women, is customary here. Had a close call riding from Azul to Buenos Aires (Bs. As.). Went to pass a truck and he didn't use his turn signal until the last moment, while he moved into my lane to turn left. Brakes worked good that time. Martin, a 22 year old rider from Bs. As. led us all the way back through the city to the Florida barrio. Critter feels at home with the Florida license plate. We had a roundtable conversation about the problems in Argentina. I was amazed to hear Martin express support for communism. I gave him a history lesson, while explaining why communism doesn't work. He couldn't understand why American banks and the World Bank would't help. I explained that the world bank wants to help, but with conditions that must be complied with first. Argentina must change its laws, rules and regulations governing the way they do busines and the way their economy operates. They must get rid of corrupt politicians and the old corrupt way of doing business and comply with the new rules. That requires monitoring of operations and enforement of the rules, something I believe to be unknown anywhere in Latin America. I'm sure I sounded like a superior gringo. Upon our arrival at the destination hotel, in the parking lot, I struggled with a run-a-way Critter. The starter was apparently short-circuited and cranking the engine, which in turn was churning the rear wheel, because it was in first gear. All this caught me by surprise, because the ingnition key was off. I dropped the bike twice, struggled to right it, unsuccessfully tried to stop it with the front brake and eventually jammed the front wheel against a wall to stop the forward movement. I could'nt get to the tools and remove the sidecover to disconnect the battery in my befuddled and exhausted condition. Thus, I let it crank until the battery died. Heard a popping noise when the overheated battery cells cover blew off. Had difficulty finding nuetral with my hand on the shifter while moving and struggling with the out of control machine. The neutral light didn't work, because the ignition was off. All this took place in about 30 seconds. I didn't think fast enough to pull in the clutch during the struggle. On the positive side, there isn't a better place in all Latin America for this kind of problem to happen -- in the hotel parking lot and in Buenos Aires, where there are parts and inexpensive and decent mechanics. Electrical and heating problems are being evaluated now by Javier at Dakar Motos in Florida, Bs. As., Bs. As., Argentina. Checking valve clearances, adjusting the balancer chain and repairing a non-functioning left turn signal. Installing a new battery, aluminum radiator, thermostat, regulator and starter solenoid. Other than that, everything is hunky dory. Seriously thinking of deleting the Guyanas and Venezuela from the tour. Problems in Venezuela are getting worse and not much to see or do in the Guyanas. Probably have better luck shipping from Brazil to Miami. We could spend more time seeing Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil. The new schedule would allow us to do Carnaval in Rio in late February. Supposed to have a dinner/party Monday night with a group of about 15 riders including my good Ecuadoran friend Ricardo Rocco and American friends Eric & Gail Haws. Hope y'all are having a good day and enjoying the reports. New pix of Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego and Mar del Plata are on the website.
Later, amigos & amigas.

Punky, Lew & Achi 2
Americas Motopaseo


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