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The Story of God's Saving Grace in Daryell's Life

Mon. Jan. 26th at about 6:45 am a truck turned into my lane, I swerved to the right , crash.(1998) I was in a 1/2 ton pickup and the girl was in a 1/4 ton truck...I ended up in a ditch on my side of the road. The girl ended up on my side too... I was dazed, and I had trouble keeping my eyes open.....the girl started screaming something. I don't know what she said.........I was trapped inside of the truck..I prayed : God don't take me home.. in just a few minutes, I didn't think I was going to make it. I prayed: God take care of my family...the people there told me to hold on, the ambulance will be here to pick you up. The men came and used a tool to open the truck door.... I was groggy.....I passed in and out... the ambulance loaded me up. I don't remember anything to the hospital.....I was in and out in the hospital....I don't remember what went on there......they say : I was fighting with my left hand vigorously..they xrayed my body..the doctor said send him to Springfield, he's bleeding internally. when I got to Springfield, they xrayed me again. I had 3 ribs broken, my lungs were filled with blood, and I suffered a stroke to my right side-my hand and arm and leg and foot. The left cartoid artery was damaged in my upper neck....I was in a coma for several weeks.....2 weeks later,the doctors said, he's bleeding internally and we don't know what's going on. He has only an hour to make it. Blood was flowing out of my mouth...they said, what do we do? My wife, Sarah, said operate on him..the pastor and Sarah were there. They operated and found that an ulcer had formed in the upper intestines. They operated, and they were successful...(Sarah knows about what they did) I was in a daze or in and out, for several weeks......about the first of March, I woke up.. they had put me through the test......... there was an iv in me. A trach had been placed in my throat.... there was a feeding tube in my stomach. 2 or 3 drainage tubes in my stomach, tube up my nose. There were 6 or 8 iv's for me...I wasn't allowed to eat. I couldn't..I slept almost all day...I would wake up for a few minutes, and then sleep for about 4 hrs. On the last of March, I would vomit on about 6 to 8 hrs. The doctor said I had a lung infection.... my wife said I'd had it before ...... it took about 2 wks to straighten it out.... I got better and April 6th, I went over to Memorial Hospital.. I was in St. John's Hospital now. I was shipped to the therapy ward...physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy.. I had an appointment for physical therapy for 2 hrs a day. 1 hr. a day for occupational therapy, and one hr. a day for speech. Mon.-Sat. About the middle of April I got sick again...lung infection.. every 8 hrs I would vomit... that lasted about 2 wks. Every 4 hrs I would have a breathing treatment. Just till the infection was ended... The therapists worked on my arm, hand, and leg and foot.they worked on me for about a month. I wasn't able to walk yet but they sent me home. I wanted to go home. The therapists asked me to stay a little longer, but I said no..On May 8th I went home..for about a month, I had home care in my home- physical, occupational, and speech therapy. Ever since Jan. 26th, I had not eaten a bite.. they sent me home with the feeding tube. The speech therapist was wanting to get me to eating. So I went to the hospital in Quincy to check. I stood by an xray machine and tried to drink this stuff. It wasn't successful. Twice I tried to drink but to no avail.(about a month apart) I was able to walk about June 8th, and the therapist had me to try to walk. I did it.. so, on about June 10th I went to Pittsfield to the therapists there. 3 days a week. I went until August 19th. Then I had this hurting in my side. I went to Quincy- Blessing Hospital. I was sick vomiting. The infectious disease dr. tried some antibiotics on me, but they didn't work.They took out the gall bladder then 3 days later,they had to go back and repair the hole that was in the upper intestine---the adhesions were hooked around the gall bladder, when they pulled the gall bladder out, the adhesions pulled the hole open again......Spent Aug. 19th to Sept. 30th in the Quincy hospital. My dr. was amazed. He said send him to Springfield. Sept. 30th I was shipped to Springfield. My wife kept a diary when I was in the Springfield hospital.

GOD will never leave you or forsake you.

UPDATE ON DARYELL: I started walking slowly in about 7 months after the wreck. I had my feeding tube in until about 1 yr. after I got home in May of '98 until May of '99. I didn't start driving until the end of '99 I think.

Please keep Daryell in your prayers for a complete recovery/healing. He is a Child of God with a calling and the devil shall not take that from him! HALLELUJIA! PRAISE THE LORD!

Email Daryell and Sarah!

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