My Testimony of God's Power in My Life
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My Testimony of God's Power in My Life

I was born and raised in a Christian home. My Dad was a deacon in our church. Every time the church doors were open, we were always there! My Mother likes to tell the story that, at the age of 2, I would ask people if they wanted to come to my church!
I enjoyed church until my teenage years and became rebellious, but went because my parents "made" me go! I believed in God, but just wanted to "do my own thing!" That gets you nowhere quickly!
In 1981, I turned my life around again and came back to the cross of Jesus! I was sold out completely-spirit, soul and body! I began preaching the "Word of God" to everybody I felt led to give the Word to! My favorite singer was Carmen! I listened to his tapes in my car everytime I went somewhere!
In 1984, I was in an auto accident (which wasn't my fault)! I was hit by a 19 year old with a high accident and ticket record(8 tickets and 6 accidents which were his fault in 13 months time), who was speeding, ran a stop sign and hit me! He was drinking alcohol and high on marijuana! I was driving the car and was thrown out of the passenger side window. I walked away from that accident with relativley minor injuries. I had to have surgery 2 times to remove glass from my hand, but had no broken bones! Had a lot of contusions and abrasians (I had road burns on my back and an ankle swollen 2 times normal size and told there wasn't anything wrong with it!) I became angry with this minor and his irresponsibily! He only got a ticket for "careless and heedless" and nothing said about his drinking and the fact that he was a minor under the influence and in possession and had drugs in his car! When we went to court, all he got was a $40 fine and 2 points off his license! I allowed this anger to get the best of me. Deep down, I knew that this minor needed to find the Lord and be delivered. I bought a Bible to give to him, but didn't follow through on getting it to him.
This anger and unforgiveness caused a separation between God and me! I have finally found the light and forgiven the guy and pray for him every day and believe that God has delivered him-I don't know his whereabouts any more, but God does! I look back and see how God was there all the time and delivered me and carried me and prevented any serious injuries, broken bones, or even death! The material goods were replaced, but my life and spirit can never be replaced! I thank God every day for what He did for me then and what He is always doing for me now! Looking back over the years, I see that God is true to His Word-"I will never leave you or forsake you!"-and He didn't and won't!
There have been times, that I get in the flesh and worry about financial issues and everything in my life, but I look back and see that God is more than enough to meet my needs and take care of me! If the sparrow doesn't have to worry about where it will find its needs(food,etc), why should I?
My prayer every day is that "May everybody I meet not see me just as me, but as the Spirit of God in me and that they will say 'Hey, That's a real child of God'".
May this testimony give you hope in the power of the Word of God and in the power of prayer! Always remember that God watches over His Word to perform it in our lives and we have to be a clean vessel for the miracles and blessings of God in our lives!

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