Daily Prayers
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Daily Prayers


Dear Lord,

I just wanted to lift up Your Name today for all You have given me in my life.
You and You alone are holy enough to know what I really need when I need it.
You always have me in Your hands, and I rejoice with joy with that thought!
I love You because You picked me up out of my mud and mire.
You hugged me even though I was dirty, and most of all,
You died for me when it was really my place to go.
Death has no power over You!!!!
And even in all Your perfectness, You gave that gift to us, the filthy people we really are.
Thank You! I jump for Joy and Excitement when I realize that You are on my side!
I come to Your throne only through Your Son, Jesus.

- Amen
(Prayer submitted by: Foxx4)


Sunday Morning

Eternal and everlasting Father, in whose presence I pass my fleeting years, upheld by Your grace and power, make Your love real to me as I worship You today. Grant that Your Holy Spirit may strengthen my faith and my resolve to serve You with greater faithfulness. May nothing be more precious to me than the Gospel of the redeeming love of Your Son Jesus, my Savior.
Create in me a clean heart. Remove all distracting thoughts from my mind as I come into Your presence to hear Your Word and make my prayers and my confession of faith to You. May I deeply appreciate the great love of Your Son, who went to Calvary to pay for my many sins with His own lifeblood. Forgive me daily. May the suffering of my Savior and His pain on the cross open my eyes to the marvels of His love and the greatness of my sin. Fill my heart with peace and the joy of forgiveness.
Accomplish Your will in me. Strengthen my resolution to serve You more faithfully. Help me to overcome all sluggishness to worship You and all indifference to Your Word. Let me conquer my fears and my self-pitying moods. On this day of worship let me sing praises to You. Help me to dedicate myself again to Your Son Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead and lives forevermore.

Sunday Evening

As this day comes to a close, I gratefully acknowledge Your goodness and mercy, O Lord, in granting to me the privilege of hearing Your Word, the glorious Gospel of my salvation. Your promises enable me to look upward with confidence and forward with courage. Bless the labors of my hands. Help me understand my duties and tasks. Enrich my week with blessings from Your bountiful hands. Grant me the grace to live daily in Your presence, doiing the things pleasing to You and helpful to my companions on the way.
Deepen my love for You. Keep me faithful to Your Word, and help me to follow the directives given me today. Forgive all my sins, especially every indifference of heart toward Your Gospel. Bless me this night, and protect all Your children. Bless my family, my friends, my pastor, and my church. Bless my co-workers throughout this week with Your gracious benedictions. In Jesus' name I ask this.

Monday Morning

Gracious God, heavenly Father, I thank You for Your mercy, which has kept me from all harm and danger through the darkness of the night. Erase the darkness of sin from my life by Your forgiveness, for Jesus my Savior's sake.
Let me begin my duties today with the assurance that You will look with favor on my work. Bless whatever I do that my wages may be enough for my needs and the wants of those whom You have committed to my care. Teach me to give cheerfully of my earnings to support Your church and to help the poor and needy. Help me to remember today the admonition of my Savior: "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." In that spirit let me begin my tasks. Amen.

Monday Evening

O God of love and grace, this evening I humbly ask You to forgive me for Jesus' sake all that was wrong in my life today.
I confess that at times I find myself doing what I do not want to do, and sometimes not doing what I know I should do. Have mercy on me! Send Your Holy Spirit to me that I may grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Help me be full of those things that are pleasing to you.
I thank You for the good health with which You have blessed me so that I can do the work I have been given. Remember all who are distressed by sickness and sorrow, and apply to their wounded hearts the healing balm of Your precious promises.
Let peaceful sleep close my eyes tonight, and if it be Your will, awaken me in the morning refreshed in body and soul. When my last night on this earth comes, let me see the more perfect day in glory everlasting. For Jesus' sake. Amen.

Tuesday Morning

Heavenly Father, let Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Grant that Your will may be done in the hearts and lives of people everywhere. Grant me the grace to always be aware of Your will and to submit to You in all things. Give me faithfulness in my work, and crown my labors with Your blessing.
Restrain the rulers of the earth who place their will above Yours and thereby cause suffering and heartache among their people. Help them see that peace and good order can prevail only as long as Your will is done. Convince all ministers of the Gospel that Your will is done when they preach and teach Your Word in truth, when they admonish the erring and comfort the sorrowing, and when they point their hearers to Christ and You.
Keep me and all Christians mindful of Your commandments and of our duty to serve You. Above all, give us a burning love for souls and a sense of urgency in proclaiming the free salvation that You have made ours through Jesus Christ.
May I trust in Your promises and ask no more than You have promised. In prosperity keep me humble. In adversity keep me strong. At all times give me a deep devotion to duty and confident trust in Your mercy, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday Evening

Dear Father in Heaven, I thank You for Your care and protection, for the health and strength necessary for the work of today and for the answer to my prayers and the prayers of Christians everywhere.
Be with me tonight and keep all harma nd danger from me. Forgive my sins, and assure me of Your abiding grace and mercy. Keep all who are near and dear to me in Your watchful care. Give me a quiet, restful sleep, and thereby prepare me for my work tomorrow. Cleanse my heart from all thoughts of hate or envy, and help me to live peaceably with all people. Make me helpful, kind, and considerate that I may live my life for You and for others.
May thoughts of You be in my heart when I fall asleep and when I awake. If this night should be my last on earth, may I fall asleep in Jesus and awake in Your presence. Amen.

Wednesday Morning

Lord Jesus, You are my everliving and everloving Savior, I thank You that You never sleep and that You have protected me by Your mighty hand through the night.
Open my eyes to see the blessings that You have prepared for me today. For the love of friends which will enrich this day, I thank You. For the ability to work and to serve others, I praise You. For the gifts to be granted me this day, I honor You.
Keep me firm in faith, watchful in temptation, humble in my successes, and joyful in the face of afflictions, for Your name's sake. Without You I can do nothing, but I can do all things through You, who strengthens me.
Help me today to bear clear witness to the hope begotten in me by Your resurrection from the dead. Grant my Your Holy Spirit that I may be dead to sin and alive to holiness. Use me today to bring Your Gospel to some persons who are like sheep without a shepherd, so that they may learn to know You, the Good Shepherd, and find in You rest and peace for their souls.
Lead me in the paths of righteousness this day, Lord Jesus, for Your name's sake. Amen.

Wednesday Evening

At the end of another day, dear heavenly Father, I praise You for Your goodness and adore You for Your mercy. You did not leave me or forsake me, even as You promised. But I have failed You and forsaken You by sinning, and I ask You, for the sake of Your Son and my Redeemer, to cleanse me from all my sins. From the rising of the sun to the shadows of tonight You have been with me to bless, help, guide, strengthen, and comfort me. I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown to me, Your servant, I thank You, Father.
I ask You to look with tender pity on all who are without the comfort of Your Gospel. Turn their hearts to repentance and to faith in Your Son, and cause Your Gospel of forgiveness to be proclaimed to all who have not yet heard of Your great grace in Christ Jesus. Grant me sound rest tonight that I may arise refreshed and in good health tomorrow, ready to serve You in cheerful obedience to Your good and gracious will. Speak peace to my soul, for in You do I hope. Amen.

Thursday Morning

Another day is dawning;
Dear Master, let it be
On earth or else in heaven
Another day for Thee.

Gracious Father in heaven, I do not know when You will call me home-for in the middle of life we are in death. Regardless of the number of my days on earth, cause me always to be prepared to answer Your summons. I know that the road of my life leads finally to Your heavenly mansions above. Equip me for the trials and pitfalls that beset my way through life, and teach me to perform in Your holy name each duty that confronts me. Remind me daily that I am a pilgrim without a home here, and help me to assist my fellow travelers by sharing their burdens and showing them the glory of the life in You.
Whether my pathway leads to hilltops fair and high or throught the sunless valleys where the shadows lie, it does not matter, for I know that You are with me and that underneath are Your everlasting arms. Where You lead me I shall gladly go. Oh, guide me unerringly on life's uncertain way here to my heavenly homeland there. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Thursday Evening

As this day closes, dear heavenly Father, I com to You to thank You for Your unfailing love, which even during the darkness fo night continues to shine upon me and those I love. The wrongs and mistakes that have marred my life again today show me plainly how much I need You in my everyday life. Pardon me for Jesus' sake, and take away every impure thought and wish. Make my heart right, and make my actions reflect Your love. I want to become more like Jesus, Your dear Son, who went about doing good. Heal the sick, relieve the suffering, strengthen the weak, recall the erring, curb the wicked, help the troubled, comfort the sorrowing, and give peace to the dying. O Lord, who does not sleep, keep me safe until moring comes again. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Friday Morning

Almighty God and Father, the light of day calls me to duties and privileges of the stewardship of life. Hlep me to be a good steward by revealing to me Your will for my life. May I make the best possible use of the talents that You have given me, so that I may always be ready to give an account of my stewardship. In my activities today give me the wisdom to recognize whatever is evil before I am trapped by it. Grant me the strength to resist every temptation to sin and shame. Let me never be afraid to say, "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"
Grant me the opportunity today to do good to someone who is in need of my love. When others deny You, give me the courage to confess my faith. Show me how to live in a manner worthy of Your holy name. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

Friday Evening

O Lord God, I thank You that the knowledge of Your presence kept me from gross sin today, made me more gracious in dealing with my fellow human beings, and more zealous in performing the duties You have given me.
O Lord, I need Thy presence every passing hour; What but Thy grace can foil the Tempter's power? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me!

I pray, heavenly Father, that You would reveal Yourself especially to those tonight who are passing through trial and tribulation. Teach them to now that "ills have no weight and tears no bitterness, with Thee at hand to bless," and that nothing "will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Stay with me in the coming night, and let me hear You say to me "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I wil hellp you. I will uphold you with My victorious right hand." Amen.

Saturday Morning

"O Lord, Thou hast searched me and known me! Thou knowest when I sit down and when I rise up; Thou discernest my thoughts from afar...Even before a word is on my tongue, lo, O Lord, Thou knowest it altogether."
As I begin a new day with You, search my heart, dear Lord, and purify my affections so that I may love only those things which please You, and put You first in everything.
Help me to overcome the temptations I wil meet today. Strengthen my faith that victory over the devil may be mine to Your glory. Keep me mindful of the sufficiency of Your grace, and let Your strength be made perfect in my weakness.
Give me the grace to guard against sins of the tongue, and preserve me from thinking evil in my heart against my neighbor. Teach me the joy of walking the ways of Your commandments, and bless those who walk in Your fear and favor.
Watch over me today when dangers overtake me, and ward off any evil of body or soul. If afflictions are to come to me this day by Your gracious direction, keep me humble and obedient to Your loving will. Thank You, Lord God, for all Your past benefits and for Your promises of future mercies. Direct my day so that I may learn to praise You better tonight for the favors of today. Amen.

Saturday Evening

Lord Jesus Christ, Author and Finisher of my faith, I thank You for having brought me safely to the end of another week of my earthly journey to heaven. Praise and thanks be to You for having earned a perfect salvation for me, for bringing me to faith in You through the Gospel, and for having kept me in the true faith to this moment. Keep me in my baptismal grace so that I may, at the end of my journey, rejoice with all Your saints over the wonders of Your eternal love. For the blessings of the past week I thank You, dear Lord, and praise You for Your mercies' sake to continue to deal graciously with me. Grant Your pardon for the sins by which I hae offended You and hurt my neighbor. Help me to look forward eagerly to the privilege of entering Your house of worship tomorrow. Grant me the grace to believe what I shall hear from Your Word, and give me the joy of offering to You the sacrifices of my praise.
Lord, You have opened my eyes to the beauty of Your grace. Close my eyes in rest, and let me see in the morning the sunshine of Your favor and the brightness of Your glory. Amen.

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