Dumb Quotes From New/Old/Non-Metallica Fans

**** Dumb sayings relating to Metallica usually come from new fans, I have nothing against new fans whatsoever (except for those who pretend they know everything) so this is just for fun. Occasionally, older fans won't know any better and even they will say stupid things..Here's a collection of quotes i have so far mainly from irc and to a lesser extent from the newsgroups.
"Their music change I can understand. But why'd they have to go cut their hair, they've lost me as a fan."
"Why do people keep talking about Cliff Burton, who is he? I thought that Jason Newsted guy was the bass player for metallica?"
"Metallica is a great band!....I have both their albums."
"..I'm not a Metallica fan, I just thought I'd come onto this channel and see how metalheads talk..."
"..Metallica have turned into a bunch of fags... their fucking haircuts says it all! They used to be good, till they got their haircuts..."
"I've heard people mention 'The Black Album'...but as far as I know, there isn't a Metallica album that goes by that name....."
"Metallica have sold-out! They can't fucking play anymore! They're shit!.........by the way does anyone know when the new album will be out?..."
"Do you have a picture of metallica? I want one."
"I gotta cool picture of jaymz hetfield!"
"Who's jaymz hetfield?"
"marilyn manson rules!"
"marilynmanson suckkkkkkkkkkkkks!" "No.. they rule man!"
"marilyn manson is a woman..Hetfield could kick the living shit out of him!"
"I just got back from seeing Metallica... it was awesome! ..does anyone know if that shit that happened at the end was for real? it was freaky... I heard hetfield screaming and shit when that guy was caught on fire.."
"Whatever pal.... are you feeling ok?"
"No... I'm pissed off cos Metallica aren't metal anymore"
"it's just fucking music...get a life!"
"I cant wait for the new Megadeth album, it will rock!!! MEGADETH PLAYS WHAT THEY WANT, NOT WHAT THE GUY WAVING THE MONEY SAYS LIKE METALLICA!!!!"
"Are you on glue or something? and why they fuck are you messaging me anyways? Who are you?"
"Because your are on that gay channel of Alternative Corporate Rock assholes, OLD metallica was cool, this new shit sucks, what that hell is it, Garth Brooks?"
"Erm.. no... otherwise it would be called 'Garth Brooks'...Why the fuck are you asking me?!? ask the band you bell-end!"
"I did, and they said "Give me a million and I'll play rap"
"SHIT! you're dumb...go on say it! say "I am dumb"... i have no time for you...I'm busy, please fuck off®"
"Load is good, but its no black album!"
------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I think we're better than Metallica..." - Entombed (Kerrang Interview)
"have you ever heard Blitzkrieg? Green Hell? Crash Course In Brain Surgery ?"
"i like King Nothing that song is always stuck in my head....Uhhh....no? I've only Heard "Until It Sleeps"
"Dude that new band Metallica is awsome, I just heard sad but true, it rules!"
"What is the Black Cd called by the way?"
"That song on the black CD, called Nothing is the best damn metallica song i ever heard!!" ((sounds like it's the only song he's heard))
"They're the best new alternative band"
"I've been dedicated to the band since '76..."
"I saw Ozzy open for Metallica in '86"
"They ripped that song 'Am I Evil' from Metallica" (referring to Diamond Head)
"I heard that Kirk got gangrene on his penis because he was hit by a new wave of the bubonic plague and so he had to cut his hair so people wouldt recognize him....so the rest of the band followed because it spread to them and now they play country so they wont be noticed and laughed at becuase their extremities are rotting away... is that true????"
No, No, No! James Heitfield got kick out and HE started Mega Death, what kinda fan are you.
"I was watching something on t.v. last night, and i saw something with a guy named cliff who played in a band caled ahhh... i think it was def lepard or something..."
When my friend told the this i was like what the fuck r u talking about? Then i told her what it should have been and she like oh yeah! that's right! Stupid
"Metallica Sucks!" - What my ex-Friend said right before he got 2 black eyes and a 'forced' sex change (if you know what i mean!)

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