X-FOOL N° 14: AlienNation by Monica (xduchess@freemail.it) (Telephone talk) Scully: "Mulder, this time, you won't believe it, either." Mulder: "What?" Scully: "Well... An alien group, tall, slim, gray, macro cephalic, with big jutting out eyes..." Mulder: "Wait a moment. What color you say they are?" Scully: "Mulder, they're the typical aliens we have met!" Mulder: "Well, so?" Scully: "...They kidnapping me and they're trying to make me photograph with them: they want a proof that they came to this 'provincial little planet' (their words)." Mulder: "Resist, Scully, I'll come to save you." Scully: "Nah, don't come. There's one wearing a stupid T shirt with 'Hi Mom!' written on. I think he can pound you, too." Mulder: "But is he the biggest?" Scully: "No, the smallest." Mulder: "Well, how come you called me?" Scully: "I said I wanted to talk with my defender." Mulder: "'Said'?" Scully: "Yes, they understand our language. Well, a little..." Speaking with the aliens: "Say 'hello' to friend Fox!" Aliens: "@#**+&%$£^@*xduchess@freemail.it*1#8å×Þ(r)?ÎÅfeedbackfeedback??8@- °ò^k#è## Fox!!!" Mulder: "What?! Scully! Speak, Scully! I can't understand!!!" Scully: "They said 'hello, Fox!'" Mulder: "Ah! But, Scully, how do you know all this?" Scully: "Wait a moment, Mulder." To the aliens: "@#*!" Mulder: "What did you say to them?" Scully: "I said: 'Don't put so much salt on the spaghetti, because the salt brings arteriosclerosis and damage the veins. And I don't like too much salted spaghetti'." Mulder: "Ah. Well, I'll call Skinner and we'll come to save you." Scully: "Thank you, it's very kind of you." Mulder: "Not at all, Scully." Scully: "Oh, sorry, Mulder, I haven't said it to you. @*##ç gave me a @]#*°°°°." Mulder: "Who what?" Scully: "@*##ç gives me a @]#*°°°°." Mulder: "And what's a @]#*°°°°?" Scully: "The typical flowers of their world." Mulder: "A flower?!" Scully: "Ehi, no! Not the shears!" Mulder: "Scully! What are they doing to you?!" Scully: "They were cutting the tomatoes with the shears! If I was Italian, at least I fainted." Mulder: "Resist, Scully, I'll call Skinner." Scully: "Skinner?! Oh God, no! Ehm... Well, Mulder, I just remembered that I've got an urgent thing to do on Alfa Reticuli..." Mulder: "Urgent on Alfa Reticuli?" Scully: "Ehm, yes, I can't stand Skinner... Ehm, I haven't more time. Yes, see you later... two years, maybe twenty. If I meet Samantha I'll tell her about you." Alien: "@ç%$£, Dana!:)" Scully: "Yes, [Ï/&%$, I'm arriving. Ehm, Mulder, sorry, I have to go. Good-bye, it's been nice working with you." She turns off the phone. Mulder: "Yeah, I know that she'll make one season and she'll come back to the X-Files. But now, what am I going to tell Skinner?" The End copyright 98, Castiglioni