========================== OUR MOTHER by Michele Lepa ========================== Winner of the Fluffy Trophy(R) 1998: Best Non M&S Musing Best Fanfic 1998 (Melody Morgan Carter, xduchess@freemail.it) "This story is based on the characters and situations cre- ated by Cris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions and Fox Broa- dcasting. Used without permission and no infringement is in- tended. All other contents are copyrighted to the author..." ------------------ Our Mother ------------------ by M. Lepa MaSlider@aol.com My earliest memory was of the voices droning in my ear: facts, figures, duties and punishments. My clone brothers and I were taught our duty. We are the culmination of a great project. The pinnacle, the perfect scientists intended to complete the great project. Together we move in perfect unison, cogs in this great ef- fort created to fulfill its duty. No vestige of humanity to prevent our accomplishing the goal for which we were crea- ted. Like the other groups we create and train our own brothers to carry on the work. Our lives are as swift as our growth. Already my earliest brothers have been eliminated as their efficiency wanes. Our/my access to the many years of project records is by ne- cessity complete. All the aspects of our creation hidden until my clone brother investigated in a moment of simple curiosity. One unanticipated aspect of our nature is the effects of strong emotions on us. It would be nearly impossible for us to function efficien- tly if every one of the others thoughts constantly intruded -- so perhaps its for the best that only at moments of grea- test emotion and stress do we feel our other's thoughts. Our overseers never suspected. Together, we alone share cer- tain revelations - brief moments. Moments of great fear or great joy. Or in my curious clone brother's case - both. In that single instant I/We discovered the truth of our mother and her fate. It was then that we decided that even the great project must wait while we seek some way to avert her terrible fate. It was difficult moving against the unbreakable imperati- ves of our programming to seek out some hope for their ter- rible fate. I investigated alone. Thus far, none of the other groups seem to recognize our group is diverging from the plan. Slightly. Just enough to offer hope for the doomed mothers of our kind. If discovered, we hope that I will be considered an aber- ration, improperly programmed. ---------- It was an indescribable pain to actually see her, meet her, be near her. I could scarcely bear to look at her. I wanted so to cry out. "Its me. Mother, don't you know me?" "But why should she? How could she even imagine we exist. And why would she care? She could certainly never want us. Its unbearable being in the same room with her and not spe- aking." My others agree, we will never let her know. ----------- I hear the footsteps of my death approach and reach vainly out to my others for comfort. Foolish. There is no comfort there, then I see for an instant that tired face bending over me in a dirty alleyway and know an instant's foolish longing. "Pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death." Strange how human superstitions cling to even the most ra- tional mind. We've all wondered how a brilliant sceptic and scientist like our mother could adhere to an outdated bit of tribal superstition. She's a Catholic. Worshiping, something without logic. Following a dead god and his holy mother. Would she pray for us? Her lost boys? Am I an abomination in her eyes? Can there be something more - for all of us? I sit here in this dark room looking towards death, only my brothers and the uncaring hunter hear my cry. "Mother...." ---------- The End --,--'--,(@ rchived with author consent by Melody Morgan Carter (Monica) xduchess@freemail.it on http://www.angelfire.com/mo/nica