Fanfic pages!
I'm trying to make these pages like Gossamer, which is, without any doubt, the best X-Files fanfic archive on the Net. I don't want to do a "copy" of Gossamer, but I want to do an X-Files Italian fanfic archive.
If you want to mail me texts (possibly in Italian with the English version too), I'd be very happy to read them and publish them in these pages! Write to xduchess@freemail.it.
Archives and their links:
(fans' novels) |
(benevolent quips about Our Show) |
(sentences from the episodes, books and so on... sorry, only in Italian) |
(The Best Fanfics, prize winner of the 1998) |
Required Reading:
The Flags show what languages the texts are in.
There are the summary, the category:
S = about Scully
M = about Mulder
H = Humor
C = Crossover
R = Romance
UST = Unresolved Sexual Tension
A = Angst
And the spoilers, the last episode (in serial order) of those there are quoted in the story, so, if you want you can avoid spoilers.
X-Episodes | X-Curiosities | X-Strangness | X-Texts | X-ComputerGame