ABBY: abby and i have been friends since the 6th grade, and it's really hard to stay friends w/ all the middle school/high school bs that happens. we got in a lot of fights over stupid things, but luckily, we always made up. i love her more than anyone, she knows everything about me (seriously, everything) and she's the coolest mac-daddy i know. she's an artist, a writer, a musician, and a faerie.... and a rabbit.
CAROLINE: i haven't talked to caroline in... well forever.. but she's a wonderful canuck and i wish we did still talk cuz she's a wonderful conversationalist.. she's a karate kid and can beat some arse, so don't mess w/ her.
RAICH-L i lurve this grrrl like you wouldn't beLIEve. she's so crazy and super-mean but in a nice way (?) and she's creative and tainted my minivan (never the same, sigh) but it was about time rye-bread got some action so... i forgive her. anyway, she's the classic rock/punk rock specialist.
Chris looks like my dad.. an artist, he sketched me for some project but i think it got wrecked so whatever. he uses lotsa big words so half the time i smile and nod and pretend to understand. i used to take road trips to iowa in his car's twin. my mom likes him. ruined my lie but that's a good thing.
PAT just found out we're related (ahhh) he's a big guy, got the girth and the blonde curly dreads to complete the "supercool guy" look. he cracks me up and he's introduced me to some really cool people.
shaun this girly boy lives in northern cali and says he's not gay, but i dunno... we're going to get married in vegas and our honeymoon hotel is going to have a heart-shaped hot tub. he listens to kick-ass rocker girl music like tori, L7, bjork, ani difranco, veruca salt, etc. we're gonna raise the coolest kids evah!
KIMMY this girl is my inspiration and all i do is copy off of her and i LURVE her for lettin' me. she's super-creative and super-crazy and silly and she pisses off half the general population but really couldn't give a fuck b/c she's susperilla.
LEIGH leigh bob is the most supportive friend i've ever had. she's totally honest and gets worried about people she cares for. i feel so bad b/c i've prolly made her stress/worry level skyrocket in the past few months but knowing that she loves me is comforting. LEIGH=2KEWL4U!
BILL i hate bill. that's all there is to say about that. i just put him on this list of friends b/c i wanted to state SOMEWHERE on this webpage that he is evil and everyone should stay at least 100 feet away from him at all times or he can zap you w/ his evil rays. the only good thing about him is that he loves the pumpkins just as much as i do, if not more. he is still a horrible, mean, evil person though.
::my vine twists around your need:: pics of my buddies