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    Links To Interesting And Useful Sites


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1997-1998 InterGOV-The LostChild

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This is a link to new Top Lupus Sites.

SEARCH THE INTERNET LOTS of search engines.


This medication information search is from RxList Drug Search. I put it here so you can CHECK OUT YOUR MEDS.! I tried it and it works. Patient information is most likely what you want, but this can be used for health care providers, too. :-)

#LP1-Lupus--a short "what is Lupus".

#LP2- Lupus, lupus patients understanding and support.

#LP3-Cyndee's Lupus Loop Here is about the new Lupus Loop. Check it out.

#LP4-Barry's Lupus Home Site Lots of information.

#LP5-Lupus Story.

#LP6- European Lupus Erythematosus Federation. Offers newslettrs and a lot of information.

#LP7-Pregnancy and Lupus From the Lupus Foundation of America with answers to all your questions about pregnancy and lupus.

#LP8-Discoid Lupus--a great first resource. If you are having skin problems with lupus, start here for information on treatment.

#LP9-Living With The Wolf--great! A must see, folks. There are a LOT of things here.

#LP10-Korean Lupus Site

#LP11-Lupus; Practical Links for people with lupus. Full of useful links ranging from your rights and insurance to political issues affecting lupus patient. THESE POLITICAL ISSUES ARE IMPORTANT, PEOPLE. DO SOMETHING TO HELP!! There are many people suffering. Research needs to be done. Funds need to be drawn up. Please, don't sit by and let other's suffer needlessly! SUPPORT BILL H.R1111.

#LP12- Aids in research, education and finacial assistance.

#LP13-Cyndee's Lupus Home Page Go see this site. Very informative and interesting. She has lived with lupus for 30+ years!

#LP14-MCLFA--GREAT Lupus Site If you need to know anything about lupus, it is here.

#LP15-Lupus Links.

#LP16-Lupus Clinical Overview

#LP17-Lupus Canada Home Page

#LP18-Marcia's Homepage-- This beautiful page has LOADS of information on immune disease including fibromyalagia, myositis, lupus, sjogren's and lots more. You can get cards here, web graphics, and even recipes.

#LP19-Korean Lupus Support Group

#LP20-MARRTC--fibromyalgia Resources. There are all kinds of links here and encouragement for the sufferer.

#LP21-Lynmom's Home Page-Surviving The Wolf

#LP22-Lupus Information in PortugueseMoved?

#LP23-American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association

#LP24-Immune-Related Resources. There are LOTS of immune related links and information to be found here---from arthritis, fibro, lyme disease and more.

#LP25-Arthritis and Rheumatism Alernatives

#LP26~Joanne and Muffin's Homepage. Lupus page and more.

#LP27~USA Fibrositis Association--About Fibromyalgia

#LP28~IssyMissy's House of Fine Repute~ Moved? A great lupus page with LOTS of things of interest.

#LP29~Lupus Erythematosis: A natural healing and homepathy site. There is a bulletin board here too. Its a very new site.

#LP30~Getting meds when you have no money.

#LP31~Bay Area Lupus Foundation. Here are a lot of links. For Webtver users.

#LP33 ~Rheumatic Disorders--A guide for Patients

#LP34~Chronic Pain and Illness Life Line.

#LP35~Lupus Society of Hamilton. A Canadian non-profit, self-help information site.

#LP36~Lupus Message Board by Healthboards New message board. Needs discussions started. They have links to MANY health related message boards.

#LP37~"Pafine on-line dedicate alle person affette da Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico (LES)"

#LP38~Lupus At The Mining Company. Fixed.

#LP39~HealWell Internet Resource Center They tell me they don't have a specific section on Lupus yet, but they have a LOT of information we can find useful from what I saw.

#LP40~Resources for the Compassionate Care of Lupus

#LP41~Worldwide Wellness A site for alternative healing.

#LP42~Commonly asked questions concerning lupus. Moved?

#LP43~Suite101-Lupus Links Lots of information here.

#LP44~Fibromalgia, FMS, Fibrositis Moved?

#LP45~LGirl. A site for young people with lupus.

#LP46~The Vitamin Dispenser I found this site interesting. It has lots of information on lupus, vitamins sufferers need, and foods that need to be watched out for.

#LP47~Mick's UCTD & Autoimmune Page You've got to visit this page. Its amazing what is there. There is even a map of UV exposure according to areas in the U.S. Go see. There's LOTS there. Amazing.

#LP48~Lupus Start Page This site has online chat sessions, drug reference, a medical encyclopedia and a lot more. I looked at everything without joining so its your choice. Fixed.

#LP49~Health Link Moved? This site is not totally about lupus. It has a lot of information on various diseases and conditions. Go see. 8-)

#LP50~National Institute of Arthritis and Muscularskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) This site has everything from the definition of lupus to psychosocial aspects of lupus and more.

#LP51~DermIS Here are some photographs/ The site is technical, but the photos show how some of the skin conditions can look--especially if the condition isn't treated early. Look under "Clinical Symptoms."

#LP52~GOODBYE Cards Here is something different. Cards to say goodbye to your loved one after your death. A neat idea. Sure would help loved ones feel cherished and happier about the inevitable. Check it out. Death happens every day, people, especially with autoimmune diseases. Why not be ready for it. Maybe arrange to have cards sent to those you leave behind so they won't feel as bad.

A new site search engine to Search the Women's Info Page site. Hope it works. 8-)

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