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Women's Info Banner

Page Updates And Credits

gold scroll divider

1-26-01 Finally got the gif for the Top Lupus Sites. Busy putting it on pages. Here is what it looks like:

1-13-01 I've been asked to join a Top Lupus Sites. It says to vote for me--which doesn't matter to me--but it may one day have some good links on it. It is at a Homestead site, and I don't know about anyone else, but I have trouble with those. There is a removable frame at the top of all pages you go to (I HATE FRAMES)but as long as it doesn't act up, I'll stay there. :-)
6-1-99 Wow. Got an award and very nice letter from StudyWeb! ( This is what I have wanted this site to be. That gives me the push to finish the lupus dictionary page and the other things I have planned. I'm thrilled. 8-)
Have been made an editor for a search engine, also. What a day!

5-10-98 I put in a new guestbook and an interactive calendar. Feel free to use the calendar to look up holidays or to put a reminder to yourself. I'm very aware of how lupus can affect memory.:-)

5-13-98 I added Lupus links to the link page and doubles checked everything to be sure it works.
indent We now have a Nothing But Links Page--and it works! I also put in an Update Page if you want to keep track ofme and what I'm doing and how I'm feeling.

5-28-98 A really, really nice man made me an Instant Emailer and I've put it at the end of the page. You simply type in your message in the white area and send it. You don't have to go to a "write mail" page. It gets to me fast. Thanks Ray, for everything. He is a real sweety!) (The emailer got remove because of a tripod glitch. haha)

5-31-98 I'm rearranging the page a bit. I want to eventually have lupus facts as soon as you enter, a nice little box allowing you to choose what music you want to listen to, and my story on a page of its own.
Another nice man has created a logo for this page--his ring is at the bottom of the page. It is really nice and I can't get it INTO THE PAGE! I'll keep trying to get it here. One day, when you see a beautiful gold square with "Women"s Info Page" on it you'll know I succeeded.:-) Success is always just around the corner. (It got removed--too long to load.)

6-1-98 Put in a new MESSAGE BOARD. I had reports that the other one wasn't working and I admit it was slow to load.Maybe this one will be better.
A friend and fellow lupus sufferer related to me that the artist Seal whose song, A kiss From A Rose I am playing currently, and his sister are Lupus sufferers. Perhaps that explains why I am so drawn to his music. Such a wonderful voice! I hope they are lucky ones and go into remission.

6-4-98 Well, as you can see I've redone the page. This absolutely wonderful border background with the wolf and eagle was created by Sea at Sea's Backgrounds (I've had to remove the border because of a webtv glich--can't see most jpg backgrounds! Disgusting.) These are some of the most beautiful and well done pieces I've seen lately.
indent The wonderful divider was provided by Cynthia's Backgrounds and Bars. Her button is below. She has the most unusual graphics, if you're tired of the same old things.

6-8-98 Told you success was right aroundthe corner. I got the nice logo into the page. I LOVE succeeding.:-)

6-26-98 There is a new Medication Access Page where you'll find the phone numbers of drug companies with free medication programs and links to other sites with this type of information. This page is now an official member of the Lost Child Emercency Broadcast System. Let's find those kids and get them home if we can.

7-13-98 Well, I'm refining the page. I've put in a neat GoTo button to take you to various pages and moved all of the links to the link page. I hope this proves more convienent for everyone. I'm still having problems with seeing the background. Is anyone else having problems?

7-14-98 I want to change the background to a gif border. It seems the problem is with the JPG. This border is from Borders By Silverhair. This site hassome interesting things in it--more than graphics. Go take a look.

7-15-98 I've put in a My Missing Child page where you'll find missing child reports that I get in my email. I'll start putting them all in there or direct you to their own websites. I'm adding them whenever I get them. Take a look. You may return a child to their family.

7-16-98 Wow--an award! I'm so thrilled I don't know what to say! I'm all flushed. 8-) Thanks so much! (Its down by the message board on the first page. Oh look! haha)

8-2-98 Busy redesigning to improve the loading of the page. You will now find my story and misc. lupus facts on a new page. Sure hope that helps speed things up.

8-3-98 Still moving things around. Hang on a little while and I'll have it all organized. 8-)
8-11-98 Put in alternative navigation page in case someone couldn't use the buttons or they went down. I've taken out the graphic ring of the person who made my logo, since it didn't work. I don't know what happened to him. I am working on a page to help children understand when Mom or Dad gets sick with lupus, as well as a page of awards so you can give them to others--"just because". I am planning a Help Others Page to post worthy organizations or causes needing help. (Another way we can help our world.) I got another award. Yeah!!!
8-16-98 I got another award! This one was from Ultimate Webtv. It is so pretty. I am just as thrilled to get this as my very first one. 8-) I've been fine-tuning the pages and working hard on my children's page. Finding the graphics is a challenge, but I'm getting there. haha
12-9-98 Been a long time since I updatedthe page and this section. 8-) I'm checking all the links, putting in new ones, designing some graphics, and in general sprucing up. I'm designing a Christmas card page, but who knows if it will be done by Christmas. hehe. (It wasn't. haha)
1-13-99 I've taken out both guestbook and message board. They weren't being used and I had to rmember to take care of them. Got a new award. Yeah! 8-) I've added new links and have more to go. Still trying to track down the broken ones.
1-18-99 Planning on placing new navigational buttons. I'll try to do all major changes LATE at night to keep you all from having problems. 8-) I'm working on speeding the page loading. There will be an award page for sure--so the graphics don't slow the entry page. I have a fun page planned. No telling what I might come up with. I'm avoiding a plain entry page. (I hate those things. haha) I may have to change the border background, but I'd rather not. Maybe I'll try to squeeze some bytes out of it. 8-)
1-28-99 Working hard here. 8-) Archived last year's journal notes, with a link from the '99 to the '98. I may end up having to do things by the month this year. 8-) Making the new buttons for the site. Taking me a while to figure out which ones I want to use. I decided having javascript buttons---even with a navigational page---wasn't ideal. I want something everyone can use. Now I'm trying to decide if I need to take the music out and perhaps change the border. Loading time could be much better. Been busy putting in new links. Oh, there is now a shorter URL for this page: Think that's easy enough? haha Thanks CJB!(Link is on this page if you want an URL you can remember. So far its working great.) UPDATE 12-99: THE CJB LINK TO US NO LONGER WORKS. WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM? GETTING GREEDY OR JUST MIS-MANAGED?
2-1-99 Busy, busy. Fine tuning the site, taking out the music except on the first page, still trying to design just the right buttons.
4-21-99 Got another award--this one for helping others with html. I'm so flattered. I've been working on different pages for the site--a dictionary type page, conditions and treatments, and others. Taking a long time, but I keep at it. 8-)
5-24-99 Yeah! Got a nice award from the Cybersisters. I didn't do anything to deserve that, my friends. 8-) Thank you a bunch anyway.

6-15-99 We're now a member of a new webring concerning painful conditions. Hope it ends up being a valuable resource.

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aids remembrance quilt ring

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My Lupus




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