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Dear Sister,

I now take my pen in hand to inform you of our health, which is good at present and hoing these lines will find you as they leave us. I have no news, only that I want you should come here and live, provisions are very cheap and money very scarce. I cannot think of your living so far of [off] that we never shall see you again. I expect we shall move in the Spring about .....illegible..... from Windsor. It is hard for me to leave mother to live alone without one child near her. It is but a poor place here for Joseph, for Trade at present, which induces us to go away. It yet remains a matter of uncertainty, however, whether we go or not. We have the refusal of fifty acres of land lying a quarter of a mile fathers [sic] with six or seven acres under improvement and a small frame house and a log barn on it. We can have it for three hundred dollars, to be paid in six annual payments. But the great scarcity of money and uncertainty of the times alterning for the better discourages us in the undertaking. I want to see your children. I expect Lovina is a great girl and Eliza too. I wish I could see little Electa. I would give her some wollen clothes. We have ... sheep and three cows. I want you should ... and direct your letters to colesville. The postoffice is six miles from here and Windsor postoffice is 12. It pleased Eliza to think Mabel flound [sic] your paper. So as for little Joseph, I have said nothing about him, but if could see him, I would give him some woolen clothes. I must stop writing for do not think you can read it.

Joseph sends his respects to you all

Electa Osborn

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