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The following letter is directed on the back as follows:

J. R. Osborn P. M.
Osborn Hollow N.Y.
Dec. 6

Wid. Hannah Phillips

Albion, Edward Co. Ill.

The letter is in a different handwriting.

Thursday Morn Dec. 4, 1839

Dear Relatives:

Having never seen you, I am persuaded I shall make quite awkward work of addressing you. But trusting your kindness to pardon my imperfect composition, I therefore undertake the agreable task, thinking it may stimulate some one or all of my dear Cousins ro follow my example. I have thought it would not be uninteresting to you, to give you my account of each of out healths and situations separately. Mother's health is not very good. However, she is not so, but that she is able "to attend to" the household affairs. She says she "feels old age creeping on" [she's 43 years old] but still retains her naturally cheerful disposition. Eliza comes next, but as Father has written of her situation, I shall only add she is quite pleasantly situated, has a kind and affectionate husband, and a very pretty little boy [probably Caleb's 4-year old son by a previous marriage]. As for Delia, she possesses a very slender constitution, is seldom able to do but very little, if any work. What to write in regard to the nature of her complaint, I know not, except I represent it as a constitutional weakness. I possess a constitution right the reverse of Sister Delia. I enjoy extremely good health [and] am attending school this winter with the intention (Providence favoring my design) to engage in the important business of school teaching next summer. I have the earnest desire to see the pleasant State of Illinois, but whether I ever shall or not is at present quite uncertain. Were it not for leaving the enjoyments of home and the endering circle of acquaintances, I think I should see my dear relations next fall, that reside in the "far west". Albert and Richardson are smart enterprising boys and are fond of learning. "Little Ricky" I think is quite handsome. Albert thought not handsome, has a very intelligent look. Joseph had grown to be a large boy but is seldom well. He attends school [and] can read well in the "Testament". Lastly, comes dear little Harriet. She is as smart as parents, brothers, and sisters, could wish. She attended school last summer [and] can read well in readings. Hatty (as we call her) is as busy as a bee and as playful as a kitten.

Cousin Electa, how fares your little son, Loyeal. You must kiss him often for me. My room is nearly inaproved [sic] and I must draw to a close. Now dear Aunt and Cousins, write very often and long letters. Cousin Samuel, Elijah, and Delia I hope will not be silent. Mother united with me in sending her love to you all. Adieu. May angles [angels] guard and bless you.

Julia Os.

Then written on the side of the letter: From Julia Osborn to The Relatives in Illinois.

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