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Date cannot be determined [with certainty, but year is thought to be 1837]

This letter is directed on the back as follows:

J. R. Osborn
Osborn Hollow N.Y.
Feb. 4

Mrs. Hannah Phillips
Edward Co. Illinois

Osborn Hollow NY. Jan [1837]

Respected Relative.

Having waited with a g[ood] deal of anxiety many weeks and even m[onths] for an answer to a letter sent to you last J. ., I again resume my pen to give you a brief ... of our present ... I think that the [last leter?] we have received from you was dated May ... in that letter that when you had received ... answer from you would write immediately..

The reason why we have not heard from you ... own to us whether you have forgotten us or for t..... of means or sickness or death or whether it is because you have not hraed from us is a matter of ... But suffice it to say let the reason whatever it may, a letter from you .... of your family would never be more the presenttime. When I last addressed you we .... deep affliction we .. supposed Grandfather ... near the confines of the grave. But an overruling [Providence?] ordered it otherwise. Grandfather and Grandmother [Sadler?] are now in a comfortable sstate of health. Tim[othy stayed?] there this winter ... well and his family have ..[traveled?] .. to the Ohio, Conneaut Ashtabula Co. Conneaut is a village nere [where?] Roswell [went?] to work at his trade. We are all usual well...[At] present I have not time to give but a few particulars. When we here from you again I will wri...ain. And if you can read this you will do bet.... I think you will, give my love to ...your family I must subscribeing myself as ever.

Yours &c
Eliza M. Osborn

On the other page of this sheet is another letter in another hand writing.

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